In this episode you'll hear Amelia Travis interview Sandy Vo on self-care, meditation, healing from childhood trauma, benefits of slowing down, money mindset and so much more.

Sandy Vo is a meditation teacher, business + lifestyle designer, podcast host & Co-Founder of Ladies Aligned. Through the practice of meditation, Sandy helps high performing women optimize their energy & break up with burn out so they can LIVE a fully expressed & joyful life. Her unique approach to mind/body wellness helps her clients to design a lifestyle around what they value so they can build thriving businesses from a sustainable place. Her commitment to helping more women implement ancient techniques for mental & spiritual growth is the cornerstone of her work.


In this episode, we talk about:

Deconstruct the belief that you can’t make money while having a spiritual bizThe importance of honoring & listening to your bodyTrusting your intuition to guide youHow to heal from childhood traumaBenefits of connecting to your Inner ChildWhy meditation, rest and healing will help you be more productive overall


Totally Stoked Book Club Selection:

The Heart and Science of Yoga by Leonard T. Perlmutter 

Offers support and insights to advance your understanding, deepen your practice and nurture your Self-transformation. This title helps you to find easy-to-learn meditations, prayers, teaching stories from the world's great spiritual traditions, breathing practices, and an introduction to ancient Ayurvedic health principles.


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