Looking to heal from religious shame or discover a new sense of freedom within spirituality? In this episode Amelia interviews Luke Bricker, who grew up a pastors kid. His story from rigid religion to spiritual freedom will inspire you to rethink religious oppression and inspire you to seek your own kind of truth within the Universal Christ consciousness. 


Luke grew up a pastor’s kid and followed his DNA into ordained ministry work with a passion for community, social media, digital identity and branding; Ultimately, it is all about who we are and how we tell our story that connects with others in the world.  Luke loves honest networking and believes our common need for human connectivity can be achieved through the art of building vibrant and meaningful communities while using social media platforms to advance true friendship, storytelling and lifting up work that is meaningful.  In addition to being The Spiritual Nomad, he is on staff at Oceanside Sanctuary in Oceanside, CA. He lives with his wife and two children in Carlsbad, CA and is currently creating curriculum for those experiencing a shift from rigorous religion to spiritual freedom. 


In this episode, we talk about:

What is Universal Christ?Healing from systemic religious abuseUnpacking the patriarchy of churchKnowing, trusting, and following your True SelfUsing meditation & contemplation to re-form faith Creating community for a better, whole, and healed worldExpansive theology - what does it mean?


Totally Stoked Book Club Selection: 

Love Wins by Rob Bell

In Love Wins, bestselling author, international teacher, and speaker Rob Bell (Velvet Elvis, Drops Like Stars) addresses one of the most controversial issues of faith—hell and the afterlife—arguing, would a loving God send people to eternal torment forever? Rob Bell is an electrifying, unconventional pastor whom Time magazine calls “a singular rock star in the church world,” with millions viewing his NOOMA videos. With searing insight, Bell puts hell on trial with a hopeful message—eternal life doesn’t start when we die; it starts right now. And ultimately, Love Wins.


The Naked Now by Richard Rohr

For Christians seeking a way of thinking outside of strict dualities, this guide explores methods for letting go of division and living in the present. Drawn from the Gospels, Jesus, Paul, and the great Christian contemplatives, this examination reveals how many of the hidden truths of Christianity have been misunderstood or lost and how to read them with the eyes of the mystics rather than interpreting them through rational thought. Filled with sayings, stories, quotations, and appeals to the heart, specific methods for identifying dualistic thinking are presented with simple practices for stripping away ego and the fear of dwelling in the present.


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Amelia’s IG: instagram.com/stoked_yogi

Luke’s IG: instagram.com/the_spiritual_nomad

Luke’s Website: thespiritualnomad.org

Luke’s Podcast: thespiritualnomad.org/podcast