From trafficking cocaine and nearly being murdered by her husband, to speaking on sold out stages and writing a bestselling memoir, Nichole Sylvester is the epitome of mind-blowing transformation story. In this episode Amelia interviews Nichole Sylvester about her journey from an abuse-filled childhood and upbringing of drugs and depravity to her current life of Harmonious Hustle - you'll listen in awe of the depths Nichole and Amelia explore in this deeply honest expository conversation.


Nichole Sylvester is a bestselling author, spiritual teacher, podcaster and creator of The Harmonious Hustle. Her story of radical transformation has inspired her audience to dig deeper and uncover their latent potential. After recovering from addiction and escaping violent abuse, Nichole dramatically turned her life around via spiritual practice. Studying with profound teachers all over the world, she soon went from struggling single mom to operating a half-million dollar business helping others step into their greatness.

In this episode, we talk about:

How childhood trauma repeats if not healedNichole’s secret escape from an abusive relationshipNic's transformation from cocaine dealer to CEO & Miracle WorkerCircumstances that create addiction and how to heal these woundsExpanding your most capable, untouchable, unbreakable SelfDeconstructing your money mindset to create a life of abundance


Totally Stoked Book Club Selection: 

Oh Shift by Nichole Sylvester

Happy Pocket Full of Money by David Cameron Gikandi

A Course in Miracles

Think and Grow Rich was written by Napoleon Hill

Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabrielle Bernstein

Nicole's Offerings:

Glow Up Bali Retreat

Harmonious Hustle Podcast

The Harmonious Hustle Seven Day Shift Workbook (FREE!)


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