Productivity and Hormones Topics: Masculine and Feminine Productivity Menstruation Cycle as a Productivity Tool Alternative to Menstruation Cycles How and What is Cyclical Living Productivity Secrets and Mentoring Moments How To Use Cycles as a Productivity Tool? 

Before anything else, everyone is different. Some aspects might apply a little differently to you, and that’s perfectly fine. Using the phases of your menstruation or the moon is a way for you to practice cyclical living. This involves you charting, not just period tracking like in the apps. It’s you keeping track of your self-care, bowel movements, water intake, period flow - things like that. It’s entirely up to you how and what you want to keep track of, but it’s important to consider charting your energy levels. It’ll help you figure out the best date and time to assign which tasks work best for you and your flow. 

Key Takeaways for Productivity Scheduling with 4 Cycle Phases

Consider your cycle into four phases. Don’t worry; if you don’t experience regular menstruation cycles, you can use the moon! 

Phase 1: Follicular/New Moon 

Estrogen starts to rise, which is great for networking and social activities. It’s a good time to do a lot of planning in your business. 

Phase 2: Ovulation/Full Moon

Estrogen levels are high, and you’re feeling yourself! During this period, we’re social butterflies and confident. It’s a good time to do a lot of speaking, like doing Facebook or Instagram Lives.

Phase 3: Luteal/Quarter Moon 

We experience PMS, our energy levels can be low, and we can be moody. It’s a good time to do organizing and nesting work - like looking at those spreadsheets. 

Phase 4: Menstruation/Waxing Moon 

Your period can come soon, so your energy levels are low. It’s okay to lessen your workload and take a break! Dive into Your Feminine Flow

Are you ready to explore and find out how you can use your hormones as a productivity tool?  Listen to “How To Use Your Hormones to Boost Your Productivity,” Episode 43 of the Total Fit Boss Chick Podcast. 

Want to get in contact with Tashe’

LinkedIn: Tashe’ Allen

Facebook Group (Private): Secrets of High Value Women

Podcast: Secrets of High Value Women