Sales for Introverts Topics: How to Get a Meeting with Someone Important How Do You Create Value in Business Emotional Intelligence and Sales Use Social Media Leverage Without Burnout How to Win in Clubhouse Tyler’s Productivity Secrets Reflecting and Your Long Term Goals How Do You Use Social Media Leverage Without Burnout? 

We all know how social media can really boost your business and services - but there's always so much going on. It’s easy for us to get lost with all the new trends and strategies and in turn, we can experience burnout. Creating content and increasing your presence is a full-time job - but you should also figure out what you want to do in the long run. 

Key Takeaways When You Feel Like Giving Up 

Here are 2 things you can do when you feel like giving up!

Reflect on what you’ve achieved. Have you celebrated yourself? We tend to forget our small wins and achievements. Make sure you give yourself credit for your progress. 

      2. Think about your longer-term goal. What do you want from your life? 

Reflect if what you’re doing is something that you actually want to do, especially years down the road. Consider what your next goal is and what you can do to bridge that gap. Remember that your goal and what you determine as your success is based on you, not the people around you or what you see online. Let’s Overcome Sales! 

Listen to “Winning in Sales as an Introvert” in the Total Fit Boss Chick Podcast Episode 44. 

Let’s go through the journey of finding ways we can overcome sales - even as introverts! 

Do you want to have a chat with Tyler? 

