Topics Discussed on Mindsets Changing the MindsetGetting Vulnerable with AndreaHow To Bound BackH.O.S.T.Scale Your Business QuicklyMentoring Moments and Productive SecretsBounce Back Even Better! 

It’s inevitable for us to have our low days. Especially when we don’t hit our targets, get the clients we want, or when it just seems like we’re not getting any closer to our goals. That’s totally normal, but we’re going over how to HOST your way to success! 

Key Points of H.O.S.T. Honor - hosting your business comes with honoring your “why.” It’s important for us to find out why and to honor this because we need to infuse this in every aspect of our business. This will become our North Star and will guide us throughout our growth journey.Owning -  Owning who you are at a certain point in time and your capabilities. It’s easy to get swept up in self-doubt and criticism where we end up second-guessing ourselves. So, it’s important to stand your own authority and claim what you have, what you will have, and who you are!Shifting - Shifting perspective is when we realize that there are some self-imposed limiting beliefs. It’s vital for us to change our perspective and know that we can go beyond the threshold that we put ourselves into.Take Inspired Actions - Things won’t change overnight. For us to get to our goals, we need to go through a very cyclical process before we really start to see any changes. So, don’t get burned out by taking inspired actions!Ready For Change? 

Listen to Episode 61 of the Total Fit Boss Chick so you can get all the details you need to change your mindset to success! 

ALSO, if you want to figure out what productivity method that best works for you? Check out the  Personality Productivity Quiz (! 

Connect with Andrea, 


Instagram: afreeman_insta 

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