Inland Code Consortium- CS for All Event

Saw Hadi Partovi give a great key note on coding and why everyone should be coding. Talked about his upbringing and how his father was able to teach him how to code and how that completely changed his life. On coming to America and the doors that were open to him because of this skill he had acquired.

Had two different panels,

one with college and career focus, and why we should be coing and learning new languages

Other with Middle school teacher, high school teacher, and high school senior, and they were focusing on how coding was becoming a part of their school life, and the opportunities and sense of accomplishment that they felt while teaching or learning codin. All three were female.

Student Showcase- they had schools from all over the inland empire and some SGV schools with showcase displays, showing their coding clubs, their robotics, or makerspaces, or competition squads that go out and compete.


Different type of conference for us. What are we looking forward to seeing/doing/learning?

Digital Learning Initiative

What does it take to actually roll out a 1:1 program? Office of Educational Technology has an idea! Great resource for any who have not heard of it.

Why is 1:1 become a passé phrase now? Why changing a name can bring success to a program.

What considerations or preparation surprised you? Which piece made you say "yea, no duh"

Common Sense School, District and work we have been doing.  Referenced in Episode 50

How did this start?

What was our process?

How did it go?

Office 365 Trainer of Trainers

What was this program?

How did we select?

What did they do?

What have they done since?