Hosting options for student projects

When we first started two years ago, we were showing teachers and students how to use creation type apps. Which was great until they wanted to show their creations to an authentic audience outside the classroom. In the past, we have had to show our teachers how to first download their content from the app and then how to upload to a hosting site like Youtube ,Vimeo, their own teacher site or we even showed them how to make our district LMS public for sharing. Then they had to embed that content from the host onto their own site. Displaying student projects has now been made a lot easier and straight forward for teachers thanks in part to companies who create these apps and have started to host the content for free. YEAH! These app creator have stepped up they game and invested in the server space need to make using their apps a lot friendly and more sharable for the end user. And by doing so the companies have also removed some of the challenges of sharing content by creating custom URLs and QR codes for teachers and students to use to view or share their creation outside of the app. In some cases, these companies have condensed or completely removed many of these steps. For example Adobe Voice, Pages and Post PicCollage Thinglink Padlet EdPuzzle Microsoft Office365 apps like Sway and OneDrive Google Apps GAFE Dropbox Failing to plan is planning to fail-adapted Ben Franklin Link to article: Inc. Article What is the 5 Hour Rule? Take 5 hours a week to into deliberate learning. What Franklin did Got up an hour early to read and write Setting personal growth goals and tracking them creating a club for "like-minded aspiring artisans and tradesman who hoped to improve themselves while they improved their community" Turning ideas in to experiments Having morning and evening reflection questions We can all find an hour. Somewhere, especially over summer break. Can an hour a weekday improve my teaching and learning that much? Oprah and Bill Gates and Warren Buffett think so. Core concept: Empty space, creating slack. This gives us breathing room, thinking time, creativity, contemplation, and planning. 1. Plan your learning 2. Deliberately practice (lesson plans, play with tech, practice a skill) 3. Ruminate: thinking is hard work. set aside some distraction free time to let your mind work it's magic. "Shower Moments" 4. Set aside time for learning- I read at least an hour a day to help me learn and grow. There are so many resources out there, and with twitter, the content grows quickly. Use time to sort through and filter all that info. 5. Solve problems as they arise- great time for springing into action to solve problems and smooth the way later on. 6. Do small experiments with big potential payoffs- new lesson delivery ideas, new