Previous Episode: TTTP033- We've Got Mail

Episode 34 "Cue Jitters" Going to a conference- how do you prepare? Prep Before: Business Cards, make sure you bring them Something to take notes with, your choice analog/digital Chargers for electronic devices Twitter handle- if you don't have one make one. You miss half the conference without one. Comfy shoes and walking clothes Tools for going as a team? Meet before and decide on sessions. does it benefit you to split up to cluster into sessions? decide on a tool for communicating while at the conference text message, voxer, phone calls, emails Debrief each day and review the next day's offerings How can we continue to collaborate while in different sessions? Google slides OneNote Sketchnoting Take photos Etiquette for attending- Be active in your sessions, if you a have questions, ask. get the link or the handouts. Bookmark them in a folder so you can keep organized (or use google keep!) If you have a question that requires more than a one or two sentence answer, better to ask after the session, or by email/DM Documenting your journey Notes/handouts Photos Twitter handles and qr codes. Online resources