How do we develop a way to teach perioperative medicine and once that's in place, how should it be overseen? What sort of official endorsement might it need?

Developing a broad knowledge of the process is distinct from being a specialist, how do we develop that further - without developing a schism? This complicated topic is discussed alongside more detail regarding the future for this area.

Presented by Monty Mythen and Mike Grocott with their guests; Joel Symmons, Staff Consultant Anaesthetist in the Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine at the Alfred Hospital, Perioperative Medicine Short Course Convenor, and a Senior Lecturer in Anaesthesia at Monash University, and Paul Myles, Head of Alfred Health's and Monash University's Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine.

This piece is taken from a longer podcast which you can hear here: