Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) is the focus for the TopMedTalk team at this year's ASA. This piece features discussion regarding; what to do about pre-operative frailty, smoking cessation, patient-centric care and how to manage pre and post operative expectations.

How do we ensure the conversations we have before surgery both reflect the needs of the patient and the realities of an operation? Moving beyond that how do we use patient reported outcomes to improve the process overall?

We also have contributions from the audience; "What role does the General Practitioner have in promoting smoking cessation, is the pre-operative clinic too late to get the ball rolling?" and "Is perioperative medicine to be understood as a generic provider / management system or as a specific branch of practice?"

Desiree Chappell and Monty Mythen speak with their guest Dr Angela Edwards, Head of Perioperative Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine.