This piece focuses on the latest print issue of 'Anesthesia and Analgesia' which is saturated with coverage of the Perioperative Quality Initiative (POQI), the most recent meeting of which was sponsored by the American Society of Enhanced Recovery (ASER).

This conversation acts as an update on where some of the latest thinking is as regards perioperative medicine. It includes a deep dive into gastrointestinal tract dysfunction and allows you to find out the best "whey" to an enhanced recovery alongside information about nutrition screening.

There's also a look at the perioperative medicine calendar, with details on how you can meet Monty and the team at one of the many events we're covering over the next few months.

Monty Mythen is interviewing Dr Tim Miller from Duke University Medical Centre.

Send us your thoughts: contact@topmedtalk

Web links:

- The ASER open source articles mentioned in the piece can be found on the POQI website.

- Also in this piece there is news about, The Morpheus Consortium, there's more information here:

- And finally, the website Dr Tim Miller mentions, is here: