* Jonah
* AC
* When was the last time you listened to a song backwards?
* Decentralized manufacturing
* Are there other terms like "foodies," to describe those who are super into universal bodily functions?
* The Bathroom Line, by Jesse Thurston
* Playtesting legos
* Pet Rock Dot Site
* Whether rhythm is a kind of sound.
* A rhythm synthesizer that produces control voltages.
* All the things you could hypothetically like about New York City.
* Crowded speculative real estate.
* Canada's role as a fire hazard.
* The power company in charge of all the wildfires.
* What happened to Smokey the Bear.
* Stopping for lobsters crossing the highway.
* Whether Smokey the Bear died in his sleep.
* Putting the oven on self clean and it cleans your whole house.
* Bringing back Satanic Panic to make backmasking cool again.
* Constructing a cliff that echoes backwards.
* Musique Concrete.
* The kind of people who would make an album in Csound.
* Admitting that your music is hilarious.
* Conlon Nancarrow's works for player piano.
* Black MIDI.
* Knowing that you should be adding a constraint to your assertion but not knowing what it should be.
* If Conlon Nancarrow had only entered cryosleep.
* Loading up a song in Sound Forge.
* Squid Salmple.
* Bluetooth: it works every time!
* Virtual modular synthesizers with cool cable physics.
* The etymology of backmasking.
* If Wiktionary is so good, why isn't there a Wiktionary 2?
* Franchising your rhythm box.
* Doing each other's administrative work.
* Doing a labor swap to get fresh eyes on your project.
* Ubering to the trail head.
* Imagine: paying rent for an office.
* Poopsocking it on this family show.
* The Armory.
* Going back in time and having $14 million.
* Selling your forehead as advertising space.
* Joseph Circuit City Smith.
* This man needs your help to remove his porn logo forehead tattoos.
* Aspirational snake eye contacts.
* Your contacts contact.
* Antique sword knife bookmark charm sword knife pendants knife charms for bookmarks.
* Going to the breathing club and breathing really hard.
* The Hearty-Starty.
* Trying to joke about a thing that turns out to just be a real thing.
* A Facebook group for people who love shitting.
* Blinkos and all the nuances of the ways they love to blink.
* A whole world just for smelling.
* How your heart doesn't stop every time you sneeze.
* Green text vs. other colors of text.
* The r/bluetext subreddit that's all about links to other web sites.
* Nutty Gum and Fruit Spleggings.
* Finding the one while in line to poop.
* Going to college for like a year and one of the best things about it was the bathroom graffiti.
* A chalkboard in the physics department's bathroom stall.
* Help I'm trapped in the bathroom grout.
* Peeing while trying to think of a poem.
* Peeing your pants in the bathroom.
* Don't Backmask Me, Bro.
* Finding someone in a bar who wants to playtest your experimental game for three hours.
* The movie Yesterday except for inventing Legos.
* Following instructions as a way to fidget.
* Trying to solve a difficult programming puzzle when someone comes up and starts biting you in the ass.
* All the ways someone can be onboarded onto an experience.
* Free HTML5 Games Tagged Idle.
* Top Three Clickers.
* Roguathia.
* Waiting until you have more SP to select upgrades.




When was the last time you listened to a song backwards?
Decentralized manufacturing
Are there other terms like "foodies," to describe those who are super into universal bodily functions?
The Bathroom Line, by Jesse Thurston
Playtesting legos


Pet Rock Dot Site
Whether rhythm is a kind of sound.
A rhythm synthesizer that produces control voltages.
All the things you could hypothetically like about New York City.
Crowded speculative real estate.
Canada's role as a fire hazard.
The power company in charge of all the wildfires.
What happened to Smokey the Bear.
Stopping for lobsters crossing the highway.
Whether Smokey the Bear died in his sleep.
Putting the oven on self clean and it cleans your whole house.
Bringing back Satanic Panic to make backmasking cool again.
Constructing a cliff that echoes backwards.
Musique Concrete.
The kind of people who would make an album in Csound.
Admitting that your music is hilarious.
Conlon Nancarrow's works for player piano.
Black MIDI.
Knowing that you should be adding a constraint to your assertion but not knowing what it should be.
If Conlon Nancarrow had only entered cryosleep.
Loading up a song in Sound Forge.
Squid Salmple.
Bluetooth: it works every time!
Virtual modular synthesizers with cool cable physics.
The etymology of backmasking.
If Wiktionary is so good, why isn't there a Wiktionary 2?
Franchising your rhythm box.
Doing each other's administrative work.
Doing a labor swap to get fresh eyes on your project.
Ubering to the trail head.
Imagine: paying rent for an office.
Poopsocking it on this family show.
The Armory.
Going back in time and having $14 million.
Selling your forehead as advertising space.
Joseph Circuit City Smith.
This man needs your help to remove his porn logo forehead tattoos.
Aspirational snake eye contacts.
Your contacts contact.
Antique sword knife bookmark charm sword knife pendants knife charms for bookmarks.
Going to the breathing club and breathing really hard.
The Hearty-Starty.
Trying to joke about a thing that turns out to just be a real thing.
A Facebook group for people who love shitting.
Blinkos and all the nuances of the ways they love to blink.
A whole world just for smelling.
How your heart doesn't stop every time you sneeze.
Green text vs. other colors of text.
The r/bluetext subreddit that's all about links to other web sites.
Nutty Gum and Fruit Spleggings.
Finding the one while in line to poop.
Going to college for like a year and one of the best things about it was the bathroom graffiti.
A chalkboard in the physics department's bathroom stall.
Help I'm trapped in the bathroom grout.
Peeing while trying to think of a poem.
Peeing your pants in the bathroom.
Don't Backmask Me, Bro.
Finding someone in a bar who wants to playtest your experimental game for three hours.
The movie Yesterday except for inventing Legos.
Following instructions as a way to fidget.
Trying to solve a difficult programming puzzle when someone comes up and starts biting you in the ass.
All the ways someone can be onboarded onto an experience.
Free HTML5 Games Tagged Idle.
Top Three Clickers.
Waiting until you have more SP to select upgrades.

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