* Alexicographic
* Kev
* Sports are good actually? Apparently?
* Haunted articles of clothing
* Burrito R&D
* Casey at the Bat
* https://discoverpoetry.com/poems/ernest-lawrence-thayer/casey-at-the-bat/
* Becoming a vtuber after losing a bet
* Getting a guided tour of a TV show
* Streaming daily.
* The Tears of the Kingdom thread in the Topic Lords discord.
* A rigid self-conception as someone who does not like sports.
* Roller derby.
* Whether skateboarding is a sport.
* Going fast and shoving past people.
* An athletic endeavor.
* How much hockey fights feed back into the actual game.
* Baseball nerds.
* Chart Party.
* Storytelling using data.
* The Bob Emergency.
* Seven Bobs left, and they're all aged.
* Who was the top Bob?
* East Bay Bike Party.
* Floyd Rose Bridge Valves.
* Figuring out how to make video games without involving Bay Area salaries.
* Persian Castle Day at the climbing gym.
* Taking the leather jacket that your drug dealer OD'd in.
* Signing the bathroom guest book every time you poop at your grandma's house.
* Schwarzenegger DNA on eBay.
* The Clothes People Have Died In line at Value Village.
* This Shirt Will Kill You.
* A detailed cosmology of how hauntings work.
* Ghosts of people who are still alive, following you around and asking for their hat back.
* Taco Shop Guacamole.
* A completely different foodstuff from what you were accustomed to.
* Wet Burritos.
* Airport Head.
* A 3 oz container of guacamole that the TSA will allow on the plane.
* Burrito night at the Stormdancer household.
* Lulus and Cakes.
* Spheroids.
* Baseball Hagiography.
* A Quora reply from three years ago.
* Searching for cake and Google asking you to prove that you're not a robot.
* Bethlehem slang from 1888.
* Vtuber tooling.
* Picking a punishment for yourself that you already want to do.
* Animated fish backgrounds.
* A more compatible CUDA API.
* Mixtapes of TV episodes and video game levels.
* Someone's top ten list of Star Trek episodes.
* What the kids call Cliff's Notes.
* The skill of understanding someone else's taste.
* These are the songs that I love, perhaps you will also love them and if so we could fall in love.
* Exchanging Spotify playlists because that's what we have now instead of mixtapes.
* Trying to get into Homestuck via Problem Sleuth.
* An 11 year old with the patience to wait a year to read Harry Potter book 2.
* Phish Food.
* Recording Topic Lords before lunch and getting a well-deserved burrito afterwards.




Sports are good actually? Apparently?
Haunted articles of clothing
Burrito R&D
Casey at the Bat


Becoming a vtuber after losing a bet
Getting a guided tour of a TV show


Streaming daily.
The Tears of the Kingdom thread in the Topic Lords discord.
A rigid self-conception as someone who does not like sports.
Roller derby.
Whether skateboarding is a sport.
Going fast and shoving past people.
An athletic endeavor.
How much hockey fights feed back into the actual game.
Baseball nerds.
Chart Party.
Storytelling using data.
The Bob Emergency.
Seven Bobs left, and they're all aged.
Who was the top Bob?
East Bay Bike Party.
Floyd Rose Bridge Valves.
Figuring out how to make video games without involving Bay Area salaries.
Persian Castle Day at the climbing gym.
Taking the leather jacket that your drug dealer OD'd in.
Signing the bathroom guest book every time you poop at your grandma's house.
Schwarzenegger DNA on eBay.
The Clothes People Have Died In line at Value Village.
This Shirt Will Kill You.
A detailed cosmology of how hauntings work.
Ghosts of people who are still alive, following you around and asking for their hat back.
Taco Shop Guacamole.
A completely different foodstuff from what you were accustomed to.
Wet Burritos.
Airport Head.
A 3 oz container of guacamole that the TSA will allow on the plane.
Burrito night at the Stormdancer household.
Lulus and Cakes.
Baseball Hagiography.
A Quora reply from three years ago.
Searching for cake and Google asking you to prove that you're not a robot.
Bethlehem slang from 1888.
Vtuber tooling.
Picking a punishment for yourself that you already want to do.
Animated fish backgrounds.
A more compatible CUDA API.
Mixtapes of TV episodes and video game levels.
Someone's top ten list of Star Trek episodes.
What the kids call Cliff's Notes.
The skill of understanding someone else's taste.
These are the songs that I love, perhaps you will also love them and if so we could fall in love.
Exchanging Spotify playlists because that's what we have now instead of mixtapes.
Trying to get into Homestuck via Problem Sleuth.
An 11 year old with the patience to wait a year to read Harry Potter book 2.
Phish Food.
Recording Topic Lords before lunch and getting a well-deserved burrito afterwards.

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