* Cort
* Stephan
* https://lonelystarsoftware.itch.io/playdapon
* USB-C cables that only work in one orientation
* http://blog.zarfhome.com/2023/04/usb-c-and-plague-of-grackles.html
* Playgrounds seem to have gotten really good again in the last ten years
* Bedtime guitar update
* Where the Wild Things Are
* https://genius.com/Maurice-sendak-where-the-wild-things-are-annotated
* Classic hardware has become a kind of fantasy console
* https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2023/04/wi-fi-in-an-nes-cartridge-super-tilt-bro-takes-the-1985-console-online/
* https://www.thenew8bitheroes.com/
* https://www.gbstudio.dev/
* Constructing a computing environment as a nested series of cages for a child to escape
* Extra plugs.
* Mr. Saitou
* How to sideload software onto the Playdate.
* Trying to make Sifteo happen.
* Where to find all the fancy MacIntosh dithering algorithms.
* Ableton for the Sega Megadrive.
* Who Zarf is.
* EU legislation saying that phones must charge via USB-C, which is unsustainable, when the text of the law ought to have been "Apple, knock that shit off."
* Getting rid of your bucket of cables.
* Never throwing away wood because you might need one that shape some day
* Never throwing away oddly shaped pieces of wood because you might become a carpenter some day.
* Playgrounds getting bad and then good again.
* Getting breakfast at the Emeryville Public Market.
* Whether swings or seesaws still exist.
* Giant wooden castles with bridges going between them.
* How to make the spinny playground things safe.
* A regionally variable playground.
* What countries have and don't have playgrounds.
* The San Lorenzo Community Park.
* A big stone bear you can climb on.
* Whether any of those playground speaking tubes have ever worked.
* Wanting the world to have magic in it so you lie to your kid about science.
* The Dennis the Menace playground in Monterey.
* Periodically removing the poison oak.
* Growing up and being on the other side of the memory.
* The Dead Dad playground turning into a fenced-off deathtrap.
* Procedural memory for nice melodies.
* Mountain dulcimers vs. hammered dulcimers.
* Walking around with a bandolier of mountain dulcimers, one for every key.
* What happens when you're living in the Appalachians and you want to make a violin but you can't.
* What to do with your ability to play an instrument when you have no free time.
* Maintaining a consistent strumming pattern while singing.
* Strumming and finding finger positions intuitively.
* Here's all the notes. Play the right ones at the right times.
* The Virtual Console of musical instruments.
* Jim's favorite note in the mixolydian mode.
* Where the Wild Things Are for Xbox 360.
* A poem with hardly any punctuation.
* Going on a journey of many weeks in just a few pages.
* Max in a wolf suit fighting bees with a stick.
* Maurice Sendak Kart Racer.
* Dinosaur Time.
* Clapping for names you know.
* A building with dinosaur bones in it.
* Rumpusing things.
* Games where you whack shadow spiders with a stick.
* GB Studio.
* Putting a wifi adapter in an NES cartridge.
* The Mario modding tool set.
* An IDE for making NES games.
* Pi-Boy D.
* Doing homebrew development on a system that is still in active use.
* Castlevania: Passacaglia of Disrepair.
* GBA of Theseus.
* Making a Lynx game that supports 8-player multiplayer, when there aren't 8 people who own the system.
* Porting a game about matching colors to a monochrome display.
* Giving your kids a computer running Linux to teach them sysadmin skills, but they just play games on their phone instead.
* Branded Scratch Wrappers.
* Composing new music for the extended What the Golf? cinematic universe.
* How to unlock your school laptop to play the Chrome Dinosaur Game.





USB-C cables that only work in one orientation


Playgrounds seem to have gotten really good again in the last ten years
Bedtime guitar update
Where the Wild Things Are


Classic hardware has become a kind of fantasy console


Constructing a computing environment as a nested series of cages for a child to escape


Extra plugs.
Mr. Saitou
How to sideload software onto the Playdate.
Trying to make Sifteo happen.
Where to find all the fancy MacIntosh dithering algorithms.
Ableton for the Sega Megadrive.
Who Zarf is.
EU legislation saying that phones must charge via USB-C, which is unsustainable, when the text of the law ought to have been "Apple, knock that shit off."
Getting rid of your bucket of cables.
Never throwing away wood because you might need one that shape some day
Never throwing away oddly shaped pieces of wood because you might become a carpenter some day.
Playgrounds getting bad and then good again.
Getting breakfast at the Emeryville Public Market.
Whether swings or seesaws still exist.
Giant wooden castles with bridges going between them.
How to make the spinny playground things safe.
A regionally variable playground.
What countries have and don't have playgrounds.
The San Lorenzo Community Park.
A big stone bear you can climb on.
Whether any of those playground speaking tubes have ever worked.
Wanting the world to have magic in it so you lie to your kid about science.
The Dennis the Menace playground in Monterey.
Periodically removing the poison oak.
Growing up and being on the other side of the memory.
The Dead Dad playground turning into a fenced-off deathtrap.
Procedural memory for nice melodies.
Mountain dulcimers vs. hammered dulcimers.
Walking around with a bandolier of mountain dulcimers, one for every key.
What happens when you're living in the Appalachians and you want to make a violin but you can't.
What to do with your ability to play an instrument when you have no free time.
Maintaining a consistent strumming pattern while singing.
Strumming and finding finger positions intuitively.
Here's all the notes. Play the right ones at the right times.
The Virtual Console of musical instruments.
Jim's favorite note in the mixolydian mode.
Where the Wild Things Are for Xbox 360.
A poem with hardly any punctuation.
Going on a journey of many weeks in just a few pages.
Max in a wolf suit fighting bees with a stick.
Maurice Sendak Kart Racer.
Dinosaur Time.
Clapping for names you know.
A building with dinosaur bones in it.
Rumpusing things.
Games where you whack shadow spiders with a stick.
GB Studio.
Putting a wifi adapter in an NES cartridge.
The Mario modding tool set.
An IDE for making NES games.
Pi-Boy D.
Doing homebrew development on a system that is still in active use.
Castlevania: Passacaglia of Disrepair.
GBA of Theseus.
Making a Lynx game that supports 8-player multiplayer, when there aren't 8 people who own the system.
Porting a game about matching colors to a monochrome display.
Giving your kids a computer running Linux to teach them sysadmin skills, but they just play games on their phone instead.
Branded Scratch Wrappers.
Composing new music for the extended What the Golf? cinematic universe.
How to unlock your school laptop to play the Chrome Dinosaur Game.

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