Support Topic Lords on Patreon and get episodes a week early! (
* Elena
* Alexander plugs
* Hosting a party is way better than going to a party
* The Pearl Jam Liner Notes method of writing first drafts
* Lagrange Point Lasagna
* Jonathan Swift, "Ode on the Longitude"
* The theory of spontaneous generation
* It turns out Sunday Roasts are a whole Deal
* Diagnose my tongue!
* Unfindable Lords.
* The Constant: a History of Getting Things Wrong.
* Continuous vs. discontinuous weighted blankets.
* People asking you about your life so you have to give them all the necessary context on your life so they'll understand.
* A masquerade ball where you receive a quest to find someone wearing a dog mask and talk to them about topology.
* The smallest of talk.
* A continuous unplanned unstructured talking with each other that you expect to just happen by itself.
* Bringing a cheeseboard to a party so you can go sort it whenever the conversation gets awkward
* Sorting the cheeseboard from sharp to mild and then sorting the cheese by color but nobody at the party is allowed to actually eat any.
* From Infracheddar to Ultrableu.
* A sorting algorithm gaining intelligence and trying to understand itself.
* Teaching your friends sign language so they'll be quieter at parties.
* The weirdness of reading aloud.
* Writing while talking.
* A species of alien that can follow two conversations at once.
* Balancing the complexity of your word choices so your sentence flows nicely.
* Writing the most important word of each sentence first and then going back and filling in the rest of the sentence.
* Worrying about commas later.
* Taking so long to implement the core of your idea that you've forgotten the details.
* How to bake brownies that are all edge pieces.
* How to bake brownies that's all center pieces.
* Sous vide brownies.
* People who only like the center of the falafel.
* The perfect solution for the person who prefers the grossest part of the brownie.
* Opening a portal to the lasagna dimension and scooping some out and feeling safe because there's no e. coli in the lasagna dimension, just lasagna.
* Tectonic plates in the lasagna dimension.
* Subduction lasagna.
* The asteroid equivalent of brownie soup.
* Forming trade alliances with the people who live in the air pockets of the lasagna dimension.
* Lasagna creationists.
* The Earth is a rock lasagna.
* Whether lasagna or baked ziti is more likely to be naturally occurring.
* Bepst and besht.
* A long-standing problem in navigation.
* Figuring out how to determine longitude in the Age of Navigation.
* Getting kicked out of Cambridge because you don't accept the Trinity.
* Firing a cannon at noon so everyone knows what time it is.
* Such explosive ships, in such known locations.
* A new method for discovering longitude both at sea and land, humbly proposed for the consideration of the public.
* The Jewish Space Lasers of the 1700s.
* The sense in which GPS is extremely loud.
* Putting a log on the fire and salamanders come out.
* The riddle where to understand the answer you have to know that bees come from lion carcasses.
* How earth used to have enough energy to spawn humans out of clay but now it only has enough juice left to make bugs and snails.
* A recipe for scorpions.
* The Tragedy of the Sunday Roast.
* The St. Tuppensday Brouhaha.
* Million Shilling Idea: serving Sunday Roast all week.
* Victorian orphans mining for Bitcoin (or "bittums") out on the Playa.
* Eating a Yorkshire pudding at a Lagrange point and sopping up gravy from the gravy dimension.
* Via Gravia.
* Nega-scurvy, where you eat too much fruit and grow extra teeth.
* The Yes Ship of Theseus.
* That time the Zombies broke up and then had a hit record and then fake Zombies started touring the US until someone from the real band noticed.
* The Caramelldansen saga.

Support Topic Lords on Patreon and get episodes a week early!


Alexander plugs


Hosting a party is way better than going to a party
The Pearl Jam Liner Notes method of writing first drafts
Lagrange Point Lasagna
Jonathan Swift, "Ode on the Longitude"

The theory of spontaneous generation
It turns out Sunday Roasts are a whole Deal
Diagnose my tongue!


Unfindable Lords.
The Constant: a History of Getting Things Wrong.
Continuous vs. discontinuous weighted blankets.
People asking you about your life so you have to give them all the necessary context on your life so they'll understand.
A masquerade ball where you receive a quest to find someone wearing a dog mask and talk to them about topology.
The smallest of talk.
A continuous unplanned unstructured talking with each other that you expect to just happen by itself.
Bringing a cheeseboard to a party so you can go sort it whenever the conversation gets awkward
Sorting the cheeseboard from sharp to mild and then sorting the cheese by color but nobody at the party is allowed to actually eat any.
From Infracheddar to Ultrableu.
A sorting algorithm gaining intelligence and trying to understand itself.
Teaching your friends sign language so they'll be quieter at parties.
The weirdness of reading aloud.
Writing while talking.
A species of alien that can follow two conversations at once.
Balancing the complexity of your word choices so your sentence flows nicely.
Writing the most important word of each sentence first and then going back and filling in the rest of the sentence.
Worrying about commas later.
Taking so long to implement the core of your idea that you've forgotten the details.
How to bake brownies that are all edge pieces.
How to bake brownies that's all center pieces.
Sous vide brownies.
People who only like the center of the falafel.
The perfect solution for the person who prefers the grossest part of the brownie.
Opening a portal to the lasagna dimension and scooping some out and feeling safe because there's no e. coli in the lasagna dimension, just lasagna.
Tectonic plates in the lasagna dimension.
Subduction lasagna.
The asteroid equivalent of brownie soup.
Forming trade alliances with the people who live in the air pockets of the lasagna dimension.
Lasagna creationists.
The Earth is a rock lasagna.
Whether lasagna or baked ziti is more likely to be naturally occurring.
Bepst and besht.
A long-standing problem in navigation.
Figuring out how to determine longitude in the Age of Navigation.
Getting kicked out of Cambridge because you don't accept the Trinity.
Firing a cannon at noon so everyone knows what time it is.
Such explosive ships, in such known locations.
A new method for discovering longitude both at sea and land, humbly proposed for the consideration of the public.
The Jewish Space Lasers of the 1700s.
The sense in which GPS is extremely loud.
Putting a log on the fire and salamanders come out.
The riddle where to understand the answer you have to know that bees come from lion carcasses.
How earth used to have enough energy to spawn humans out of clay but now it only has enough juice left to make bugs and snails.
A recipe for scorpions.
The Tragedy of the Sunday Roast.
The St. Tuppensday Brouhaha.
Million Shilling Idea: serving Sunday Roast all week.
Victorian orphans mining for Bitcoin (or "bittums") out on the Playa.
Eating a Yorkshire pudding at a Lagrange point and sopping up gravy from the gravy dimension.
Via Gravia.
Nega-scurvy, where you eat too much fruit and grow extra teeth.
The Yes Ship of Theseus.
That time the Zombies broke up and then had a hit record and then fake Zombies started touring the US until someone from the real band noticed.
The Caramelldansen saga.

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