In real estate, your results and level of success depend greatly on the time and effort you put into it. How can you get on top, and stay there? What can you do to make your name synonymous with real estate in your area?

On this episode, we talk with Pearson Smith Realty Team agent, Noel Tuggle, as he shares his advice for how to improve as an agent.


Get out there and make sure your name is synonymous with real estate. -Noel Tuggle


Three Things We Learned From This Episode

In real estate, you can’t afford to dwell on your downfalls. In the time you take to worry about the deal you didn’t get, you could be out closing others. Keep your morale high and remember that it’s not the end of the world when you fail.


Stop being timid in business. Developing a more aggressive approach is a game changer in real estate. Make sure you’re making a name for yourself in real estate and don’t allow fear or shyness to hold you back.


The best way to find out where you’re going wrong is by asking. When you meet with prospective clients, ask them what you could have done better. Use this constructive criticism to make your business better.


Become the master of your own mindset, and never think you’re past the need for improvement. Even when you’re on top, remember that your job is to serve your clients. Make sure you’re listening to their concerns and their criticism, and continue to develop your expertise.


Guest Bio

Noel Tuggle is an agent at Pearson Smith Realty Team. After completing his studies in marketing and business management, and subsequently bartending for 10 years, Noel decided to try his hand at real estate. Thanks to his knowledge of the county (having been a Northern Virginia resident for over 15 years), and his passion as a ‘people person’, Noel has had great success as an agent.

To find out more about Noel, head to:

You can contact him via call or text on 7035549382, or email at [email protected]

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