Your prospects will usually make their final purchasing decision when you’re not around. 

People want to buy your services. What they don’t want is to be on the receiving end of a sales process.

In this episode, Matt and Kirk challenge advisors’ long held beliefs about sales as they discuss whether selling is still necessary. In doing so, they explore a new and proven way to demonstrate your value to ideal prospects. Matt and Kirk also dig into what actually moves prospects to become clients and what makes them stay with you for the long term.  

You will learn:

Eye-opening statistics about changing consumer expectations
The importance of helping prospects understand that you deliver more than the obvious (i.e., more than your main service)
Why modern-day sales and marketing are opt-in processes
How to use technology to automate part of your sales process
Reasons to stop focusing on outselling your competition in the short term
And more!

Press play to rethink your approach to attracting and retaining your ideal clients!

Resources: ProudMouth | Matt Halloran on LinkedIn | Kirk Lowe on LinkedIn | Influence Accelerator Academy | State of the Connected Customer – Research Report by Salesforce | Neil Patel on LinkedIn