"What is ethical porn – and does it even really exist? Is this a safe road or are we just putting some glittery make-up on the same old porn industry which has been accused of gender-based violence for years? And considering that the taboo around sex entertainment drags a shadow over Google, how can we be sure that the porn we are watching isn’t hurting anyone?

As an adult filmmaker, I understand every word of munition that one might have against the porn industry. Yes, porn does have a dark history, but trying to get rid of it is like confronting an issue by closing one eye.

Meanwhile, you end up ignoring an avalanche of good things: workers who are proud of their jobs, women’s right of embracing their sexual positioning, the huge sex-ed potential that a porn movie could have. The answer to mainstream porn issues relies in bringing them to the light - with critical, detail-oriented eyes - and transforming them into something different. Something socially helpful, intellectually solid, and truly pleasant.

Besides advocating in defense of adult films (I prefer the term over ‘pornography’, as porn has a history which I don’t believe reflects the adult films I make) as a tool for women’s empowerment, I also produce them accordingly."

- Erika Lust

Links used for this episode: https://feministporn.org/a-brief-history-of-feminist-porn/



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