Previous Episode: Tongue Tied

Hello hello! We are back! Tongue Tied is back y'all! We kick off season two with some spicy topics: Oral Sex and is porn healthy for a relationship? We were asked about these topics when Tongue Tied hit the streets in Las Vegas!!! We heard some great stories and Lauryn (LoLo) joins the nonsense as we discuss and analyze both topics! Oral sex in a relationship: how important is it? If your partner doesn't perform it on you, is that a deal-breaker? All I know is, some "cunning linguist" (get it? hehe) got me all shook for big part of my life! I mean I was really sucked into this  situation for lack of better terms. 
We also dive into our second discussion: Can porn be healthy in a relationship? What if you catch your partner watching porn on their own? Would that be weird? Tune in as we give our insights!
Cunning: having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion.
Linguist: a person who studies linguistics.

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