I interview functional medicine doctor Patrick Hanaway about rest, nutrition, junk food, ankylosing spondylitis and much more! Details of the topics are in the show notes.






0:03:00 - What is functional medicine? Functional vs. integrative vs. alternative vs. complementary medicine

0:11:50 - What are some red flags of FX clinicians we should avoid?

0:17:30 - Sympathetic / parasympathetic tone - How do we know which one state we are in? How to optimize each state?

0:41:50 - Sleeping 9 hours was better than TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) for me.

0:46:20 - Rest and digest mode vs. eating and going to sleep

0:50:30 - Viewer Q&A: Is GERD reversible?

0:56:50 - Viewer Q&A: Using CPAP for sleep apnea. Can sleep apnea be reversed?

1:02:50 - Poop health - how do we know we're on the right track?

1:17:20 - Is there such a thing as too much fiber in your diet? Insoluble vs. soluble fiber.

1:24:50 - Active healthy people have an increase tolerance to junk food?

1:37:40 - Kids and diets. How do we set them up to enjoy a nutritious diet? How I get my kids to eat vegetables and liver.

1:45:20 - What do you think today's health conscious crowd is getting wrong?

1:48:20 - Viewer Q&A: Before I had no food sensitivity. Will I regain tolerance?

1:51:20 - My ankylosing spondylitis (AS) journey, reduction of Humira usage, and leaky gut.

2:07:50 - Viewer Q&A: Why is eating organic important?

2:17:20 - Viewer Q&A: Have you prescribed any soil-based probiotics?

2:21:25 - Viewer Q&A: What is your experience with treating H. Pylori?




Dr. Patrick Hanaway is an MD and served on many prestigious boards. He is the chief medical education officer at the Institute for Functional Medicine (IFM) and also paved the way with functional medicine collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic. He's done much more that can be found here:



Hanaway's Family to Family practice https://www.familytofamily.org/about-us/meet-our-team/


Tools for HRV:






Snoring app: https://www.snorelab.com/


Stephan Guyenet on palatability of food: https://www.stephanguyenet.com/


Dr. Alessio Fasano: https://www.ifm.org/about/profile/alessio-fasano/


My story with Ankylosing Spondylitis and leaky gut: https://www.tominationtime.com/leakygut/




About Me: 


My name is Tom Talks and 10 years ago I was so crippled with back pain I could barely walk. Sometimes my sciatica was so bad I had to crawl to the bathroom in the middle of the night. When my back did get better and I was able to lift weights, my body didn’t change very much and I didn’t know what I was doing. Through educating myself over the years, I’ve learned how simple diet and training can be. You don’t need to kill yourself with cardio or eat an awful diet that is not sustainable. You can achieve a healthy, fit lifestyle while still having time for the things you love. Stop by my Twitch Stream when I’m live and I will help you get started with free Q&A! https://www.twitch.tv/tominationtime


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Music | Sappheiros - Lights










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