A little about our guests.
Amy has a BSN and Master’s degrees in nursing. She is mom to 2 girls, ages 22 and 27. Joe is a retired medical doctor, member of Mensa and a collector of old medical text books.
Both are master gardeners, growing herbs, vegetables and they have fruit trees. They also raise backyard tilapia. Yum. Amy began working for Joe and a romance blossomed. They have been working together for 20 years, married for 18 years and started their most recent business together in in 2010.
A little about their business.
After Hurricane Katrina and the flu pandemic in 2009, Joe and Amy realized there was a lack of medical preparedness training. Medical doctors could easily become overwhelmed by the number of sick and injured. And if you couldn’t get to a doctor, how could you help yourself or your family? They have written four books and are working on number 5 teaching medical preparedness. Amy creates very unique medical kits she designs and packs. They have a weekly podcast, semi-monthly live videocast, a You tube Channel and a very active Facebook group.
Joe and Amy also speak around the country teaching medical preparedness.
One piece of advice (the nutshell version)
Don’t tie up your relationship and happiness to any physical results. Either you are happy, right now no matter what, or you will never be happy, no matter what you get or who you are with.
Reading Material
The Survival Medicine Handbook – A Guide for When Help is Not on the Way by Joseph and Amy AltonThe Ebola Survival Handbook - An MD Tells You What You Need to Know Now to Stay Safe by Joseph Alton
Get in Touch with Our Guests
www.DoomAndBloom.netTwitter - @preppershowFacebook – DrBonesAndNurseAmyFacebook Group – Survival Medicine GroupYou Tube – DrBonesNurseAmy channel

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