A little about our guests.
Lori and Alan are married 35 years. They have 3 adult children, 2 married living nearby and 1 in Medical school. They are originally from Massapequa, Long Island, NY and moved to the warmer weather of Phoenix when their kids were teens.
Lori enjoys knitting, scrapbooking and cooking while Alan likes to read, meditate and go to the movies. They are (im)patiently awaiting a grandchild from one of their married children.
A little about their business.
Lori was the original entrepreneur of the couple. In NY she was a Childbirth Educator and a Birth Doula practice. After moving to Arizona, she became a lactation consultant and worked in private clinics and at hospitals before going out on her own.
Alan is new to entrepreneurship. He was the District Executive for the Boy Scouts of America and worked in a family business on Long Island before moving to Arizona. As a certified computer tech, he has worked in the field for the last 12 years.
Alan has been working with Lori as the CTO of All About Breastfeeding. Lori teaches classes and works with the new parents while Alan handles the website and all online aspects including social media. Recently, Lori launched her podcast with Alan as Producer and Technical Advisor.
One piece of advice (the nutshell version)
Surround yourself with like-minded individuals. You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
Reading Material
The Miracle Morning by Hal ElrodMindfulness by Joseph Goldstein
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www.AABreastfeeding.com (In Phoenix Area)www.AllAboutBreastfeeding.biz (Online information)[email protected]/AllAboutBreastfeedingTwitter @BreastfeedingAZ

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