A little about our guests. Sharon and Jim both come from the television industry, back when it was still fun. Separately and together they have been involved in marketing, promotion, production, and even created their own television show. Jim and Sharon have been married and in business together just over 24 years. They have 5 children, most grown and out of the house. As a child leaves, Jim and Sharon bring a new dog into the family. A little about their business. Sharon and Jim created their first television show, Mom Time TV, to help moms enjoy the journey of motherhood more. It was their adventure back into business together after Sharon had taken a break from office work to raise their children. More recently, Jim and Sharon created the radio show, My Storiez. They interview people with an amazing story to tell and share. The show is live on internet radio as well as recorded on the Star Worldwide Networks. In addition to their show, Jim and Sharon created Market Reach Mobile Media, and advertising billboard truck, and Seegems Jewelry, an online jewelry store. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Don’t be afraid to fail. Learn how to take a “no.” Always be kind and try to help others. Reading Material Acres of Diamonds by Russell Conwell - http://amzn.to/2m9Cu71 The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mendino - http://amzn.to/2lT8x8B Get in Touch with Our Guests Listen to Our Storiez at http://www.StarWorldwideNetworks.com http://www.OurStoriez.com Facebook /OurStoriez - https://facebook.com/OurStoriez Facebook /seegemsjewelry - https://facebook.com/seegemsjewelry Twitter @OurStoriez - https://twitter.com/OurStoriez Twitter @SeegemsJewelry - https://twitter.com/SeegemsJewelry

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