A little about our guests. Karey and Eric met 4 years ago and have a son, Nolan. Both are very into working out, competing and Karey is a fitness model as well. Karey has always been a fitness buff. She worked as a nurse and went back to work after her son entered kindergarten. While working, she pursued her certification in nutrition and personal training. Eric is currently filming Season 2 of Fit to Fat to Fit. Starting out fit, he is gaining as much weight as possible to then lose it with his client and close friend. A little about their business. Karey and Eric created Northington Fitness and Nutrition to help people all over the world live their highest quality of life, gain insane amounts of self-confidence, and reap the endless benefits of nutrition in a healthy, sustainable way without restriction. They focus on both the mind and the body; “where the mind goes, the body will follow”. Eric leads the way providing in-person training at the Northington Fitness private studio with one on one training, semi-private training, and group weight training classes. Karey provides nutrition and training through online programming. Together, they relish in the fact that they are living their dream of helping people from the inside out. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) When you are in business together, hash out what your strengths are. Consider outsourcing the things neither of you has a desire to do. Reading Material The Little Black Book of Fitness Business Success by Pat Rigsby - http://amzn.to/2kIKVq1 Powercast podcast by Mark Bell - http://thepowercast.com/ Get in Touch with Our Guests http://www.NorthingtonFitnessandNutrition.com [email protected] Instagram – karey_northington - https://www.instagram.com/karey_northington/ Instagram – northington_fitness_nutrition - https://www.instagram.com/northington_fitness_nutrition/ Twitter – @kareynorthifbb - https://twitter.com/kareynorthifbb Facebook - NorthingtonFitnessandNutrition - https://www.facebook.com/Northingtonfitnessandnutrition/

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