A little about our guests. Bodie and Mitchell have been married since 1992 and in business together since 1998. Bodie is a SoCal girl. A graduate of San Diego State University, Bodie actually started in the Real Estate business at the ripe old age of 12, helping her mother with rental properties. Mitchell grew up in Bismarck, North Dakota where he studied architecture and engineering. Probably somewhere in the middle of a North Dakota winter, Mitchell decided he wanted to move to California and landed in Temecula. Mitchell and Bodie have 2 sons. Bodie was very involved in various committees in their school as well as the varsity and JV football programs. A little about their business. After working for a few architecture firms in southern California, Mitchell created his own company. Unfortunately, the real estate slow down in the 90’s saw him working for another firm during the day while building Mitchell J Architecture at night. In 1998, he went full time and full force into his own firm with Bodie joining and he hasn’t looked back. In addition to traditional architecture work, they design wireless networks for all the major cell phone carriers and have worked with the Coast Guard, Border Patrol and Homeland Security. They are currently working on a dedicated First Responder Network for LA County. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) When you follow up and do what you say you will, you are ahead of the game and ahead of most people. Have integrity in all things. Do what you love and the money will follow. Reading Material Atlas Shrugged by Ann Rynd - http://amzn.to/2iANcNW Developing the Leader Within by John Maxwell - http://amzn.to/2j2XLKz Get in Touch with Our Guests http://www.mitchellj.com [email protected] [email protected] Facebook – Mitchell J Architechture, Inc. - https://www.facebook.com/Mitchell-J-Architecture-Inc-185138378204858 Instagram - mitchelljarchitecture - https://instagram.com/mitchelljarchitecture