A little about our guests. Michael and Debbye have been a couple for nearly 50 years. High school sweethearts, they had a long courtship (7 years) when Michael went off to Westpoint and then served in the army. Michael is a LTC, Ret. From the US Army. He’s also been a university professor, published author, web developer and was a speechwriter for the commander of the largest organization in the Department of Defense. Debbye has been a home educator, mother and Army wife, Leader/Trainer for the Girl Scouts, speaker and radio personality. She drew on her experiences to publish her first book, Organizing without Agonizing. Michael and Debbye are the parents of 2 and grandparents of 4. In their most important role as grandparents, they live within walking distance of their grandchildren. A little about their business. In 2014, Michael and Debbye decided to combine their two businesses. Debbye created SMARTcut Solutions, a time management and professional organizing company. Michael was the SMARTcut Geek, a web developer and expert on all things technology. Power Couple Consulting mentors clients to develop entrepreneurial businesses using Belief Breakthrough techniques. Michael and Debbye also do transformational speaking. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Keep the marriage first. Reading Material Earl Nightingale and the Conant audio series - https://goo.gl/WmNvLm The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman - http://amzn.to/2jnKDzx How to Talk so Kids Will Listen by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish - http://amzn.to/2j27OTB Positive Personality Profiles by Robert Rohm - http://amzn.to/2j214ow Get in Touch with Our Guests http://www.ThePowerCoupleLife.com