In this episode we will be covering Imposter Syndrome...what it is and how you can overcome it. Imposter Syndrome is the feeling that you did not earn your success, but rather got lucky. You may have feelings of being a fraud, an imposter around those who you feel "earned it." They know what they are doing and you don't and if folks knew the truth you would seriously be fired...immediately! 

Well friend I am here to tell you that you are NOT alone in these feelings...AND there are many layers to this syndrome, they are real and debilitating. Imposter syndrome can often have you staying silent, when you really do have a view point that matters, never feeling good enough, and often time isolated and alone. Do you suffer from feelings like this? Then this is your episode!

**End episode number correction...Suicide Hotline 800-273-8255**

Show References & Important Articles:

What is imposter syndrome?
5 Different types of imposter syndrome
Overcoming imposter syndrome
Mentoring someone with imposter syndrome
Everyone suffers from imposter syndrome
Imposter Syndrome, when you feel like a fauxtaugrapher