2018 is finally here. I hope your new year is off to a great start so far. Today, I’ve got some key advice that could make sure you stay productive moving forward into 2018. Here are four successful marketing tips for you to keep in mind.

1. Focus on content creation. People want to see that you’re busy. Of course you already advertise and project the things you’re doing in your business, and you’re also probably already making posts to social media. However, people want to see a more personal side of things, too. Remember: We’re in the relationship game. They want to know what you’re doing and keep track of you. Things like blogs, videos, and emails can help your clients feel more connected to you and your business. If you aren’t already running a blog or sending out videos, I suggest you look into doing so.

We send out two videos a month to our database with market updates, buyer and seller tips, and more. We also encourage our clients to ask us questions about the local real estate market so that we can answer them with a video. This is a great way to build rapport with our clients and present our team as the leading local real estate experts in the area.

2. Don’t give up on email. Have an automated email campaign that goes out to your clients, sphere, and suspects on a regular basis. My team and I find that we get positive responses to these kinds of emails. You can even set it up so that emails are sent out to clients on special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries.

“As professional agents, we’re in the relationship game.”

3. Fine-tune your media strategy. I know we mentioned content creation already, but your media strategy is more specific than that. When it comes to social media platforms, you don’t want to spread yourself too thin. There are a number to choose from: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. Stick to two or three that make sense for your business, and then really focus your energy into presenting yourself well on those platforms. Again, don’t be afraid to share personal updates on social media. Doing so will create a stronger connection between you and your clients.

4. Check Google Analytics. If you have a website, I highly recommend this step. Google Analytics will let you know who’s visiting your page, how long they stayed, and more. Of course, utilizing this tool can be overwhelming at first. If you have a Google account and are interested in pursuing this feature, don’t hesitate to ask for the help of Google support staff. They will walk you through everything you need to know.

I genuinely hope these tips help you grow as a professional in the coming year. This kind of growth is something my team specializes in. We have over 15 years of experience and are always looking to expand. We are looking to help agents become successful in a team environment.

If you’re interested in growing as an agent and working on a team environment, have any other questions, or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.