Change is NOT easy. Regardless of the change needed in one’s life, it takes commitment, sacrifice, discipline, and a lot of hard work to make the changes desired. Meet Rick Oliver. He messaged me on Instagram and shared his story of him recently losing 100+ lbs. I was so intrigued by his story, the reason he gained so much weight, and his WHY for making a major lifestyle change that I wanted to share his story with you. I think you are going to love it.

My friends, today’s short episode is designed to motivate and inspire you to take action for the one thing in your life that you would love to change also. Listen in and CHOOSE to get LIT-UP to make the changes necessary in your life, just like Rick did with his life.

As always, if you love today’s episode, please don’t be shy in sharing. We need to spread the gospel of motivation & inspiration world-wide. Thanks for being a fire-breathing dragon!


Tag me on IG/Twitter: @ToddDurkin



0:48- Meet The Guest: Rick Oliver-- 100lbs down & Life Transformed

3:44- How Did He Get To 315lbs?

5:01- His WHY For Change

5:49- How His Life Is Different Today

6:16- If You’re In Rick’s Shoes… And Need Change… How to Create A New You.

8:00- The Key To Attracting People To Your Service

11:05- TD motivation on IMPACT


THANK YOU Rick Oliver (@joliverjr88) for sending in your questions! 


We LOVE answering your questions on the IMPACT Show & would love to highlight you. 

To ask a question to Todd for the podcast, please go to and ask a question on anything on your mind (business, leadership, training, high-performance, or mindset).


If you enjoyed today’s episode of the Todd Durkin IMPACT Show, can you please do a few things:

Give us a 5-star rating on itunes. Provide write a great review about what you love about the show. Please SHARE the episode on your Social Media or in a newsletter.


Thank you in advance!


Follow Todd...

Instagram & Twitter at @ToddDurkin


FB: @ToddDurkinFQ10

Itunes:   If you are a fitness pro or trainer and want to be coached by Todd, visit: 

If you are a fire-breathing dragon, personal growth junkie who wants the most out of life and are NOT a fit-pro, you can be coached by Todd in his IMPACT-Coaching program. Here are all the details:


ABOUT: Todd Durkin is one of the leading coaches, trainers, and motivators in the world. It’s no secret why some of the top athletes in the world have trained with him for over a decade. He’s a best-selling author, a motivational speaker, and owns the legendary Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, CA where he leads an amazing team of 42 teammates.

Todd is a coach on the Netflix show “STRONG” that is must-watch TV. He is a previous Jack LaLanne Award winner, a 2-time Trainer of the Year, and he runs his Todd Durkin Mastermind group of top trainers and fitness pros around the globe, coaching them with business, leadership, marketing, training, and personal growth mentorship.

Todd and his wife Melanie head up the Durkin IMPACT Foundation (501-c-3) that has raised over $250,000 since it started in 2013. 100% of all proceeds go back to kids and families in need.

To learn more about Todd, visit and

To join his community of fire-breathing dragons and receive regular motivational and inspirational emails, visit and opt-in to receive his value-rich content.


Connect with Todd online in the following places:

You can listen to Todd’s podcast, The IMPACT Show by going to