With Sinziana Luchian, Director of Healthcare Initiatives at the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce 


One of the biggest challenges employers have faced since the early days of the pandemic is reassuring employees that their workplace is not only safe but that changes have been implemented to ensure a healthy work environment. But what is meant by the term “healthy work environment?” These days in addition to making sure that employees feel secure and valued in their jobs, many employers are also taking steps to encourage the ongoing health and well-being of their workforce. A wide range of supportive services are available to companies that want to create an inclusive and cohesive work environment. For example, activities and information that promote a healthy lifestyle and forming good habits may help reduce employee stress and burnout. When employers demonstrate that they take their employee’s health and well-being seriously, it might result in a more productive effort and an increase in employee engagement. If you want to learn more about how companies and employees can work together to create a healthier work environment, you’ll want to listen to my Sinziana Luchian, the Director of Healthcare Initiatives at the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce. 


What You’ll Hear on This Episode:

What is a healthy work environment? 

What is the role of the Detroit Regional Chamber in promoting a healthy workplace? 

From a productivity standpoint, how are healthy work environments more successful?  

Where could a company start to start implementing taking health and well-being more seriously? 

Does it have to cost a lot to start these initiatives, or are there low-cost options? 

What are some of the benefits that membership in the Chamber offers small businesses?

What can employers do to model wellness and encourage health in their employees? 

Is there a correlation between companies with a solid wellness strategy and fewer employee sick days?

Why does the Chamber recommend that companies include a social element as part of their health and wellness culture?

How companies can support the physical, mental, and emotional health of their employees. 


Today’s Takeaway:

There is a saying that “good health is good for business.” When employers cultivate a positive healthy workplace, they make it easier for employees to adopt and maintain healthy habits. In addition to increased reports of physical illness, job-related stress can also lead to increased rates of depression and anxiety. Employees who “love their jobs” are more likely to be found working at companies that score highest in promoting a work environment where there is less stress and where they feel valued. But having a healthy work environment goes beyond supporting the physical and mental health of their employees. It’s also about creating and ensuring an environment that is emotionally safe, and free of gossip, intolerance, or harassment. One way to promote a sense of inclusivity is by scheduling offsite team events where management can participate alongside their employees and everyone can “compete” on an equal basis. The advantages for companies that prioritize wellness is that in addition to a healthier, happier workforce, may have increased productivity and engagement, less stress and even the potential for a reduction in group plan insurance costs, all of which might lead to an improved bottom line. Remember that every day is a gift and the gift we get from feeling our best physically and mentally could help us perform better at work and still have plenty of energy left over to enjoy our time with family and friends. I’m Florine Mark and that’s “Today’s Takeaway.”  



“A healthy workplace is flexible. It's inclusive and supportive of each employee's health and wellness journey. And really, the way to do this is to communicate with your employees and find out what's important to them regarding their well-being.” - Sinziana  2:09  

“Happy and healthy employees are more present and engaged day to day, as well as more productive in their jobs.” - Sinziana 4:36 

“Really try to engage your workforce in health and wellness activities, and see what's important to them, what's working, what's not working, and go from there.” - Sinziana 11:34 

“I think that’s the important part, is creating the culture. It has to trickle from the top down.” - Sinziana 11:40

“Health-focused environments need to trickle from the top down for them to be successful.” - Sinziana 11:55 

“Companies who invest in their employees through a wellness strategy see fewer sick days, medical leave and see a more productive and engaged workforce.” - Sinziana 17:29 

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Gardner White Furniture


Mentioned in This Episode:

The Detroit Regional Chamber

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