With Lisa Chaben, Matchmaker & Founder of Finding Love with Lisa


Living in the midst of a pandemic has made it more challenging to date and meet others with whom we might begin a relationship. In the earliest days of COVID-19, many of us thought if we were isolated and socially distanced for a few weeks, we could then get back to life as normal. But as the pandemic dragged on and we found ourselves dealing with new strains and mutations more than two years later, the ongoing social isolation and loneliness have become a new way of life. But that doesn’t make it any easier to bear; we still crave companionship. We miss going out and long for an opportunity to meet others and connect. The good news is that the pandemic finally seems to be slowing down and thanks to the vaccines, we can see a light at the end of the tunnel. According to the L.A.-based psychotherapist, Marcy Cole, “The potential to find love and connection can increase, not in spite of what is going on in the world right now but because of it.” Perhaps the fear of being alone in these most challenging of times helps us strip away the superficial and commit to each other in ways we might have resisted in the past. So, if the opportunity to connect and begin a relationship is real, maybe it’s just a question of meeting that right person. Perhaps there is no better time than now to step out on a limb by exploring new and different ways to meet the future love of our life. For example, why not hire a professional matchmaker who will do the background checks and screen candidates to find the perfect match for you?


In December of 2020, Florine interviewed Metro Detroit-based matchmaker, Lisa Chaben. According to Lisa, dating during the pandemic has actually proven to be a benefit because the people who desire her services are genuinely serious about finding love. Plus, there’s the added advantage of meeting someone for the first time on Zoom in the comfort of their own home which is far less stressful and awkward than it might be in a public setting. Today, in addition to her home base of Metro Detroit, Lisa works with clients in Arizona, Chicago, and Florida and has established herself as a proven matchmaker with more than 300 successful matches to her credit. In addition, she’s studying to become a certified Life Coach. Her concierge matchmaking service has a new name, “Finding Love with Lisa.”


What You’ll Hear on This Episode:

How Lisa knew she had a knack for being a matchmaker. Why the pandemic has actually made it easier for Lisa to match people. What exactly is a “personalized concierge dating service” and how does it work? Lisa’s process for matching people. How Lisa introduced her father-in-law to his future wife. What makes Lisa’s service different? How Lisa finds matches for her clients and some of the challenges they face. Lisa’s recommendations for safe in-person dating during the pandemic. How much does Lisa’s service cost? How long does it take to get set up? How Lisa encourages those who may be reluctant to start dating due to low self-esteem. Getting over the stigma of a dating service.


Today’s Takeaway: Over the past two years, the strain of being stuck at home in the midst of a pandemic has contributed significantly to depression and anxiety diagnoses. Substance abuse and suicide rates are also rising as people struggle to cope. The social isolation of being single can certainly take a toll. The pandemic makes seeing friends and family, dating, and expanding our social circles very limited. In these challenging times, a professional matchmaking service may be one of the best ways to find a genuine connection. Even if it’s not the love of your life, it may be a lifelong friend that you find. At the end of the day, isn’t it worth taking a chance on love? I’m Florine Mark and that’s “Today’s Takeaway.”



“I just always have been a people person and I love connecting people.” — Lisa “People just like that human touch.” — Lisa “There is really no way for the young people to meet people.” — Lisa


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Mentioned in This Episode:

Finding Love with Lisa