With Paramedic Captain Stacy Gross

Over the past year, we’ve seen our local firefighters and paramedics on the frontlines responding to emergency calls and treating patients in the midst of the pandemic. Our heroic first responders are putting their own lives at risk transporting COVID-19 patients and responding to domestic disputes and other dangerous situations, including resuscitating drug overdose patients who are often not wearing masks. While COVID-19 continues to claim lives around the country, first responders are increasingly vulnerable to catching the virus and unfortunately, making up part of that growing death toll.


As part of our salute to the brave first responders, today I would like to replay an interview from June 2019 I had with 22-year veteran firefighter and paramedic Captain Stacy Gross of the Commerce Township Fire Department.  Thank you to Stacy and all of our heroic first responders.


What You’ll Hear on This Episode:

How Stacy’s journey to becoming the first female paramedic and Captain in her department began. What Stacy loves about firefighting. Stacy’s career path from EMS to paramedic to firefighter. Some of the hardest things Stacy has seen on the job. Stacy’s message to future female firefighters. What the calls and shifts are like for firefighters. The salary range for firefighters. The danger to first responders when an emergency call turns violent. How Stacy became Captain. An unforgettable call Stacy had where she saved a one-year-old child. Stacy’s biggest concerns when she goes out on a call. What it’s like living in a fire station/house. Stacy’s advice for women looking to join the field.


Today’s Takeaway: The events of the past year have impacted us all, however, healthcare workers and first responders have suffered far more than most of us. They are risking their own lives and well-being to care for us all. They’ve seen the worst of this pandemic, but they’re still out there every single day working under incredibly difficult conditions, putting in long shifts with reduced staffs, and often with inadequate PPE. Despite their best efforts, the COVID-19 death toll continues to mount, leaving them mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally exhausted. So, the next time you see a firefighter, paramedic, or EMS worker, be sure to thank them for their service and for saving lives. I’m Florine Mark and that’s “Today’s Takeaway.”



“I believe we have an unbreakable bond, but it’s just like any other family dynamic.” — Stacy “I didn’t know any female firefighters and I thought, ‘Why not me?’” — Stacy “You mentor each other.” — Stacy “I have never broken down on a scene or anything like that, but in private we all have our moments.” — Stacy “Don’t listen to the naysayers and anything you want to do in life, don’t listen to the critics.  And sometimes the biggest critics are yourself.” — Stacy “We actually have seen a rise in violence against first responders.” — Stacy “Some of the hardest calls for a lot of us are those that involve children.” — Stacy “I’m always thinking about my crew and their safety.” — Stacy


Brought To You By:

Florine Mark