With Rebecca Gade Sawicki, Professional Blogger and Travel Consultant


Having the opportunity to travel and enjoy new experiences away from our day-to-day routine may be one of life’s greatest pleasures. If you’re traveling abroad or touring the U.S., there are so many amazing sights to see and delightful places to visit. Where do you like to travel? Does your perfect destination involve lying on a sun-soaked beach or seeing an exhibition at the museum?


Touring historical landmarks and sampling local cuisine is one of my favorite things to do but if you’re traveling with dietary restrictions, traveling and eating abroad can be a challenge. Imagine going to a restaurant in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language and trying to communicate the foods you can’t eat with the restaurant staff. This can be especially troubling if you have food allergies or other health issues. Instead of focusing your itinerary on all the exciting places you’ll be visiting, you become preoccupied with how to eat and where to dine. But wouldn’t it be helpful if you could have someone else do the research for you before you arrive at your destination?


Today, we’re speaking with professional blogger and travel consultant, Rebecca Gade Sawicki, whose popular blog, “Veggies Abroad,” is designed not just for vegetarians and vegans but for anyone traveling anywhere with dietary restrictions.


What You’ll Hear on This Episode:

What prompted Rebecca to start her blog, “Veggies Abroad”? What type of information on both food and travel does Rebecca include in her blog? Has Rebecca ever traveled to a place where there really were no options available? Rebecca talks about her journey into being vegan and gluten-free. How Rebecca got to the root of her own issues and used food sensitivity testing to find out which foods she was sensitive to and couldn’t digest. How does Rebecca get her protein? What dishes does Rebecca get when she’s eating cuisine like Japanese or Chinese? What are a few of Rebecca’s favorite cities in the U.S. and UK to get veggie-friendly foods? Rebecca shares her advice for people with a new dietary change who don’t know where to begin when traveling.


Today’s Takeaway:

Traveling abroad and visiting other countries may be one of life’s greatest pleasures. But if dietary restrictions are keeping you from traveling or adding unnecessary stress to your trip planning, why not work with a food travel expert to advise you? Instead of missing out, you may travel abroad with confidence and find local places that have been pre-screened and recommended for their ability to provide safe dietary meals that meet your needs. Remember that whatever you define as the perfect trip, you won’t be able to enjoy it from the comfort of your couch. As a vegan, gluten-free world traveler and foodie, Rebecca’s been able to find plenty of healthy, enjoyable meal options and she’s happy to share this information in her travel blog, “Veggie’s Abroad.” Remember that every day is a gift and the gift that we get from making wonderful memories by learning about different places and cultures is a gift that will last a lifetime. I’m Florine Mark and that’s “Today’s Takeaway.”



“The biggest issue is going somewhere and they don’t have an option. That’s the most frustrating thing.” — Rebecca “We just try to reinforce the ethics and morals that we feel of why we have made these decisions.” — Rebecca “It was never a phase and it was something that both my sister and I felt strongly about.” — Rebecca “Whether you are vegan or gluten-free, it’s a night and day change from a decade ago with all the options.” — Rebecca “As a vegan, I don’t see it as a dietary thing, it’s a lifestyle for me.” — Rebecca


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Gardner White Furniture


Mentioned in This Episode:

Veggies Abroad