With Health Promotion and Human Performance Professor, Dr. Tony Moreno


Daily exercise is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy body and a healthy mind. In addition to toning our muscles and possibly losing weight, regular exercise releases endorphins that may help fight depression and sadness. Exercise boosts our mood and energizes us — I always feel better and have more energy after exercising.


If you ever feel like you’re stuck doing the same exercises day after day, or like you just can’t find the time to fit more exercise into your busy schedule, this episode is for you. These days it’s easier than ever to stay active, and my conversation with Dr. Tony Moreno is filled with tips and ideas to help get you moving. Tony is a professor in the School of Health Promotion and Human Performance at Eastern Michigan University and he’s here to explain the concept of physical literacy. With just a few simple changes you can include more physical activity in your daily routine without even feeling that you’re exercising.


What You’ll Hear on This Episode:

Where is Tony originally from and what led him to Detroit? Why is it important to exercise almost every day? Does your body need to rest from exercise during the week? How can exercise help to overcome burnout? What is physical literacy and its connection to your health and well-being? How can you stay physically active beyond traditional exercises? How can you gain confidence in your physical movement? How can you change the narrative surrounding your exercise? Where can you gain the education needed to increase your physical literacy? What exercises can be modified to best suit your abilities at any age? How can you improve your balance every single day? What time of the day is ideal for exercise? What is a fit desk and how can it help you exercise at work? What is kinesiology and what area of it does Tony teach? What is biomechanics? How did Tony earn an appointment on the governor’s council on physical fitness and what initiatives is the council working on?


Today’s Takeaway:

In addition to improving our mood and mindset, daily exercise can help with weight management, improve balance and coordination, and reduce the risk of injury. Regular exercise improves your heart health and your oxygen flow,  builds muscle tone and strength, and might even reduce high blood sugar. Studies show that many people view exercise as a chore, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I know I want to take care of myself and live to be 120, and look and feel good, and continue on exercising. Using a fitness watch or other device to track your daily steps or physical activity can really help motivate you to exercise more. In addition, exercise with a workout buddy and a little friendly competition is not only fun, it helps motivate us on the days when we find it a little harder to get started. So start sharing your fitness activity and hold each other accountable. If you’re bored with your daily workout routine, try something different. There are so many fun classes out there to discover. Try something different, mix it up and challenge yourself! Even if you don’t have time for a daily workout, simple changes can make a difference. It’s never too late to get started. Treat your body like the gift that it is and just keep moving. You might feel better, sleep better and it just might improve your mental sharpness. 



“We know that physical movement has a very strong association with good physical and mental health.” — Tony Moreno


“Not being personally fulfilled or excited about what we do on a daily basis can lend itself to some of these mental health issues, and physical activity can combat that.” — Tony Moreno


“You are responsible for maintaining purposeful physical activity throughout your lifespan.” — Tony Moreno


“If it’s fun, and you enjoy it, and you’re passionate about it, you’re more likely to do it.” — Tony Moreno

Brought to You By:

Florine Mark

Mentioned in This Episode:

Tony Moreno

Michigan Fitness