With Dr. James Bragman, Sports Medicine & Geriatric Specialist


What do you think of when you hear the word retirement? Do you think of all the things you have wanted to do but didn’t have time for? Or, does the idea of retirement scare you because you can’t imagine not having a meaningful job to do each day? It’s not uncommon that as we age, we may experience memory loss. But did you know that one of the most important ways you can protect your brain and mental health is through daily exercise? Not only does regular exercise help us maintain our muscle tone, physical strength, and balance, but it also helps to strengthen our immune system and stay mentally fit as well. Numerous studies have shown that as we age, staying physically active and fit in our senior years is one of the best ways to protect our brain health and improve our memory. Numerous studies have shown the rate of mental slowdown is almost twice the rate for inactive adults compared to those who are active.


If you want to learn more about the many benefits and ways we can stay physically active throughout our life, then you’ll want to listen to my interview with Dr. James Bragman from West Bloomfield Internal Medicine. Dr. Bragman specializes in both sports and internal geriatric medicine. He is a Full Clinical Professor at Wayne State University School of Medicine as well as an Assistant Clinical Professor at Michigan State University. In addition, he has more than 20 years of experience, including working as a national medical expert for CNN radio.


What You’ll Hear in This Episode:

What does a sports medicine physician do? Why is stretching of paramount importance, and how can we build stretching into our everyday routine? What is cognitive decline and what are some ways to prevent it? How we can eat to support our mental and physical health? How to maintain a sharp status even as we age. What can cause cognitive impairment in people? What are some great coping mechanisms for stress reduction? Is it ever too late to start moving and getting exercise? What is the recommended number of days per week we should be exercising? What types of mental exercises are the most effective for maintaining a healthy brain?


Today’s Takeaway:

There are numerous advantages to staying physically active. In addition to maintaining our fitness level, balance, and physical strength, staying active can help reduce blood pressure, lower your risk of heart disease and stroke, and may even help with blood sugar for diabetics. In addition, there’s evidence to suggest that it may also reduce the risk of certain cancers. But as we’ve heard today, now there are more reasons than ever before to incorporate regular exercise sessions into our weekly routine because it also helps to keep our brains healthy. There is nothing that ages us faster than cognitive decline. Having a healthy and fully functioning brain helps us feel younger, more vital, and more connected to our lives and our loved ones. Staying active doesn’t have to be a chore. You can take up yoga, pilates, or any other activity that gets you moving. Have fun while increasing your physical and mental fitness. Remember that every day is a gift and the gift of staying physically active may just be the key to prolonging your life expectancy and improving the quality of your life as you age. It’s all up to you. I’m Florine Mark and that’s “Today’s Takeaway.”




“You have a lot of options. Not everyone is able to do a standing toe touch like your mother.” — Dr. James Bragman


“It's a learned skill, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.” — Dr. James Bragman


“It's the old proverbial if you don't use it, you lose it.” — Dr. James Bragman


“The more physically active you are, it's part of the underpinnings of what I call Aging Gracefully in 2023.” — Dr. James Bragman


“It's committing to something that you are happy doing and can do for the rest of your life.” — Dr. James Bragman


 “People need coping mechanisms, and exercise is a fantastic way of doing it.” — Dr. James Bragman


Brought to You By:

Florine Mark


Mentioned in This Episode:

West Bloomfield Internal Medicine
