With Top Attorney, Narcissism Negotiation Expert, & Popular YouTube Host, Rebecca Zung


Do you sometimes feel as if someone close to you is controlling how you think and behave? Do you ever feel like someone else is calling the shots or feel that you’ve been manipulated into responding a certain way? If this sounds familiar, perhaps you’ve got a narcissist in your life. When we hear the term “narcissist” we typically think of someone who is extremely self-centered or so caught up in their own agenda that they dismiss the wishes and feelings of those around them. Spending time with a narcissist can prove challenging, but for someone diagnosed with a narcissistic personality disorder, the impact can be far more damaging. Dealing with this type of individual can wreak havoc on our lives and emotions. Their emotional abuse can be draining and downright exhausting. You may feel personally attacked, misunderstood, or even defeated. There are strategies that we can learn to help us communicate more effectively and avoid being controlled or manipulated or drawn into someone else’s controversy.


My guest today, Rebecca Zung, is a Narcissism Negotiation Expert, one of the Top 1% of attorneys in the country, and bestselling author of Negotiate Like You M.A.T.T.E.R. She also has a widely popular YouTube channel and podcast. Rebecca has appeared in publications such as Forbes, Huffington Post, Newsweek, and has been a guest on Extra and NPR. She is passionate about teaching others how to communicate effectively and not fall victim to a narcissist’s tactics.


What You’ll Hear in This Episode:

What exactly is a narcissist? What is the difference between a controlling person and a narcissist? What are some traits and characteristics of narcissists? Why is it so hard to communicate with narcissists? What is Rebecca’s “Slay” strategy in dealing with narcissists? What is gaslighting and what are some examples? How do narcissists groom and condition people? Can a narcissist “get better”? How can you manage a relationship or interaction with a narcissist?


Today’s Takeaway: 

Working with or loving a person with narcissistic tendencies can sometimes be very difficult. They may demand perfection from those around them and have an unrealistic need for control. When confronted or criticized, things can turn ugly very quickly. If they feel threatened, they can actually make you feel as though you are the “bad guy.” When it’s a minor disagreement and we recognize the signs, we can negotiate for what we need and avoid being drawn into an argument. One of the most frightening aspects of dealing with a narcissist is the way they manipulate us into thinking we are the crazy ones when we are not. Trust your instincts and know that you matter. Only YOU get to determine your value and worth. In order for others to treat you with respect, you have to believe in yourself and know your worth. Today is a gift and in order to give ourselves the gift of a happier tomorrow, we can learn how to take better care of ourselves today. So enjoy today and enjoy the people around you. I’m Florine Mark and that’s “Today’s Takeaway.”



“Because they have no inner sense of value, they just don’t have the ability to have any sense of care or empathy for other people.” — Rebecca


“The diamond level supply for a narcissist is always going to be how it looks; their reputation and how they look to the community is always, always, always more important than anything else.” — Rebecca

Brought to You By:

Florine Mark

Mentioned in This Episode: 

Crush My Negotiation Worksheet

Rebecca Zung website

Rebecca Zung on YouTube

Rebecca Zung on Instagram

Rebecca Zung on Twitter

Negotiate Your Best Life podcast

Negotiate Like You M.A.T.T.E.R.: The Sure-Fire Method to Step Up and Win


“Gaslighting is something that all narcissists do.” — Rebecca

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