With Haley Cassar, professional makeup artist and skin care advocate


Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a professional makeup artist working behind the scenes at a fashion show or photoshoot? Behind those beautiful, glamorous photos, the makeup artist is busy putting in days or even weeks of research and preparation ahead of the shoot to achieve the client’s theme and artistic vision.


While most of us don’t have the opportunity to appear in a designer fashion show, we can still book an appointment for a professional makeup application. And with the holidays right around the corner, there’s no better time to start planning our look for that special occasion. A good starting point is knowing what colors and techniques are trending right now. According to professional makeup artist and skin care advocate, Haley Cassar, big, bold statement lips paired with smokey eyes in bronze or brown shades are especially popular right now. Hair can be worn up or pulled back and accessorized with headbands and clips. Add a bit more blush and false lashes and you’re ready for your big night out!


Since having a professional makeup artist isn’t an everyday option for most of us, we asked Haley what are some of the biggest mistakes women make when applying their own makeup? Not surprisingly, she said that wearing too much makeup when we’re trying to cover up imperfections can actually backfire and draw more attention if it looks caked on. Keep in mind that not every new trend or technique is right for you. For example, if you have a very narrow face, contouring can make your features look harsh. When working with a new client, Haley says that the first step is to carefully evaluate their appearance and accentuate their natural beauty.


A professional makeup artist knows how to minimize a particular feature by covering up thin lips, large pores, or droopy eyelids. But the most important tip of all is to apply makeup in a way that will compliment your features and enhance your appearance. If you want to hear more skincare and makeup tips, please check out Florine’s interview with Haley Cassar.


What You’ll Hear on This Episode:

How Haley’s background as an artist helped her get into beauty and skin care.

Why is having a good skincare routine the first step in applying makeup?

What are the main steps for a good skincare routine?

What are retinol and hyaluronic acid, and what do they do?

The most important things to remember when applying makeup.

What is a tinted moisturizer, and why does Haley recommend them?

What is a “no makeup” makeup look?

Haley’s pick for her product to get that “no makeup makeup” look.

Why do women get stuck in a rut or a dated routine with their makeup application?

Tips for building a base before you put on makeup so that it lasts for the whole day.

How can we achieve that glamorous look?


Today’s Takeaway:

I know I look better when I take the time to put a touch of makeup on. From a mental health standpoint, doing something that makes us feel better about ourselves is a sign of a healthy sense of self and indicative of good self-care. For me, it’s part of my daily routine and when I’m getting dressed in the morning or applying a little makeup, I like to listen to music. It’s also a great time to listen to a podcast and just enjoy some soothing “me time.” Having a routine that is familiar and a constant in our lives can feel very comforting. Remember that every day is a gift and sometimes the simplest of things, such as routinely applying makeup, styling our hair, or doing those early morning stretches to make ourselves start the day with a smile can be the best gift of all. I’m Florine Mark and that’s “Today’s Takeaway.”



“You want to have a really good skincare routine because you want your face to be like a smooth canvas.” — Haley [6:18]

“Always make sure you have built your layers with your skincare first. Always, always, always.” — Haley [10:38]

“The “no makeup makeup” is when you're using the least amount of things possible to make you feel comfortable to get out the door.” — Haley [12:46]

“If I had to pick one makeup to use the rest of my life as a “no makeup makeup” look, it would be mascara.” — Haley [13:21]

“It's really just what makes you feel comfortable and what gives you a little bit of alertness to your look.” — Haley [13:46]

“I use all different products from all different locations and I always use them on myself first before I use them on a client.” — Haley [16:28]

“I just think that switching up your routine will help you get kind of out of a rut. Small little tweaks make the biggest difference.” — Haley [16:50]

“I think if you're ever going to a special occasion… wear lashes. You can never go wrong with lashes.” — Haley [19:52]



Brought to You By:

Florine Mark


Mentioned in This Episode: 

Haley Cassar

Haley Cassar on Linkedin 
