With Dr. Victor Strecher, Public Health Professor at the University of Michigan and Founder of Kumanu


Did you know that active individuals whose lives are filled with purpose, may have a reduced risk of developing mild cognitive impairment or dementia? It is estimated that by 2050, people over the age of 65 will comprise roughly 16% of the world's population, and it’s also expected the rate of Alzheimer's and other dementia diagnoses will triple from the current rate of 57 million to 152 million.


Keeping our minds active and engaged is important, but how we build a healthy lifestyle is key through diet, exercise, and meaningful activities. Whether it’s volunteering, socializing, or spending time in nature, living with purpose and intention can slow the rate of cognitive decline and lessen the risk of depression, leading to an overall better quality of life.


Last year, Florine interviewed Dr. Vic Strecher, a University of Michigan Professor and the founder of the digital platform, Kumanu. In addition to educating us on what a purpose-filled life looks like, Vic also talked about how Kumanu helps people find their purpose, and how to live with purpose even if they are facing hardship. This conversation is more relevant today than ever, as so many events in the news can distract us from living in our true purpose.


What You’ll Hear on This Episode:


What does Kumanu mean and how was the name chosen?


How doing something that is purpose-driven and meaningful delivers more long-lasting results than merely satisfying our hedonistic urges. Kumanu believes our well-being starts with asking “why.” It’s the little, everyday things that can add up to our purpose. How does Kumanu work for both individuals and corporations? How does having a purpose, or lack thereof, affect our well-being? People with a low purpose are more likely to become depressed, and even develop Alzheimer’s disease. How to live with purpose even when you’re facing hardship. How a life-changing personal tragedy transformed Vic and his family. What is the connection between behavioral science and cancer prevention? Thinking about community is not just important for individuals, but for businesses as well, and can also help boost revenue. How does our society, as a whole, need to think more about transcending purpose? Why did Vic leave his behavioral science job? What are the different applications for Kumanu? Why Vic hasn’t quit his day job teaching at the University of Michigan. What happens to our brains during times of fear? What does describing Kumanu as a “next-generation well-being company” mean?


Today’s Takeaway:

Studies have shown that people with a purpose lead longer, happier lives. Living your life with purpose isn’t just about being more productive with your day; it’s critical to your health, happiness, and overall well-being. Once you identify your purpose, it’s important to align your actions each day with that mission. It gives you a reason to get up in the morning and sets the tone for your entire day. Is your life lacking purpose right now? If you answered yes to that question, I urge you to find something you're passionate about that gives your life meaning. It could be something big or even very small. What excites you? What makes you happy? Think of how you could make that your purpose. The search for a meaningful life begins with YOU. Only we can determine the direction of our lives and choose what we do with the opportunities we are given. Remember that every day is a gift. When we begin our day with a specific purpose and accomplish what we set out to do we’re not only achieving more, we feel better about it. For years I felt like a failure because I couldn’t lose weight, but once I took charge, went to Weight Watchers, and learned how to develop habits, my purpose changed. My purpose is now to enjoy life, live healthy, and tell the people around me that I love them. I’m Florine Mark and that’s “Today’s Takeaway.”



“Kumanu is actually Māori for ‘nourish and cherish.’” — Vic “All I mean by having a purpose in life is that you have a goal or set of goals that matter most in your life.” — Vic “We need to care more about what we care about.” — Vic “Most of us have more than one purpose.” — Vic “People with a stronger purpose are less likely, on average, to develop dementia and Alzheimer’s.” — Vic “We know scientifically that people with a transcending purpose, thinking about things bigger than yourself, their genes actually express more antibodies.” — Vic “I just want to help people become more purposeful.” — Vic “Only focusing on the ‘how’ to do something is to me not as important as the ‘why.’” — Vic “If you start thinking about your customers, communities, even the vendors and valuing them, you end up making more value yourself.” — Vic


Brought to You By:

Florine Mark


Mentioned in This Episode:


Dr. Victor Strecher’s Books on Amazon

Life on Purpose: How Living for What Matters Most Changes Everything

Firms of Endearment: How World-Class Companies PROFIT from Passion and Purpose