With Dr. Paradi Mirmirani, Dermatologist and Hair Loss Specialist at Kaiser Permanente


When it comes to a person’s physical appearance, hair is one of our most defining features. Do you ever notice how when asked to describe a woman physically, one of the first adjectives given is hair color? Is she blonde, brunette, or a redhead? We might then go on to describe the style. For example, does she wear her hair cropped, braided, or long? Is she wearing a weave or extensions? As we age and a person’s hair thins, that beautiful, thick head of luxurious hair becomes even more desirable because it can give us a more youthful appearance. But just as our hair defines a person’s physical appearance, the sudden loss of hair can be a profoundly disturbing experience. When hair loss is due to a medical treatment such as chemotherapy, the individual can take comfort in knowing that in most cases, the hair will grow back. But what if it happens suddenly and for an unknown reason? Not knowing the cause or if the hair will ever grow back, can be extremely upsetting. What causes hair loss? What treatments are available and how long does it take for hair to grow back? My guest today is Doctor Paradi Mirmirani. She is a board-certified dermatologist and hair loss specialist from Kaiser Permanente and faculty of the American Board of Dermatology.


What You’ll Hear in This Episode:

How does our genetics play a role in hair loss?

What is the most common reason for hair loss?

Does coloring your hair or getting a perm have anything to do with hair loss?

The difference between hair thinning and hair loss.

What about the color of your hair?

Do women suffer from hereditary pattern hair loss the way that men do?

If we know that hereditary hair loss runs in the family, can we prevent this before it starts to happen?

What is the cause of alopecia areata, and can it affect other parts of our body that have hair such as our eyebrows and eyelashes?

What roles do stress and hormones play in hair loss?

Can hair grow back on its own even after someone has gone through chemotherapy?

Is there any treatment that is best for overall hair regrowth?

What is microneedling?

What should we know before wearing a wig?

Where can people go to seek care for their hair?


Today’s Takeaway:

We always want to make sure that we maintain a healthy diet that provides enough protein and other nutrients to nourish healthy hair. A variety of things can weaken and damage our hair follicles, leading to hair loss. There’s no question that if we suddenly lose our hair, it can be a frightening and emotionally distressing time. We may feel self-conscious or insecure about our appearance and wonder if our hair will ever grow back. The good news is that although we can’t stop hair loss once it’s started, there may be treatments that will enable the hair to grow back. Seeing a dermatologist who can correctly diagnose the cause and provide treatment options will give you the best chance for healthy regrowth. Remember every day is a gift and having a beautiful healthy head of hair is a gift we can’t take for granted. But as painful as losing our hair can be, thankfully, there may be treatments available. So why not give yourself the gift of hope and healing by working with a trained specialist? I’m Florine Mark and that’s “Today’s Takeaway.”



“The most common reason for hair loss is genetics. Hereditary hair loss can affect up to 50% of both men and women.” — Dr. Paradi Mirmirani

“You want to preserve the hair fiber, it's kind of like a really expensive cashmere sweater.” — Dr. Paradi Mirmirani

“I tell people that your haircare is a gentle cycle only label and that kind of gives you the idea of how you should treat your hair.” — Dr. Paradi Mirmirani

“We haven’t really found any good treatments for genetic disorders of any sort, and that includes hair loss.” — Dr. Paradi Mirmirani

“When you have a significant increase in hair loss, then it’s important to check in with your doctor to make sure that there are no underlying medical issues.” — Dr. Paradi Mirmirani

“One of my workhorses for hair regrowth is minoxidil either topically or orally. No matter what the cause of the hair loss, it can help thicken the hair, give you a larger diameter, and keep the hair in a growth phase for longer.” — Dr. Paradi Mirmirani

“Most men are quite happy with a little bit of extra hair on the top, they are quite excited. Women want a lot more so it's a matter of expectations.” — Dr. Paradi Mirmirani

“I tell my patients when they come in, I want you to look in the mirror and really be happy with what you’re seeing.” — Dr. Paradi Mirmirani

“I really encourage patients to seek care and not to suffer at home. Hair is a really important part of who we are and our persona, our self-identity. And when we lose hair, it can be a real blow.” — Dr. Paradi Mirmirani


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Mentioned in This Episode:

Dr. Paradi Mirmirani

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