Welcome to Episode 418 of The Today's Leader Podcast, Building Tomorrow's Best Leaders, Today. Resilience gets spoken about a lot, we hear the stories around it, for some, it may appear to have a magical quality, while for others it feels unattainable, but for those leaders, we have a gift for you. Today's guest is Paul Glover who will share with us how you can build the skills sets that build resilience

In 1994, Paul was a successful federal court trial attorney.  In 1995, he was a convicted felon, serving 7 years of incarceration in Federal Prison.

 How Paul and his family managed to overcome the personal and professional setback he inflicted on himself and his family and how he built a successful national coaching practice is Paul’s personal case study about overcoming adversity and setbacks through resilience and grit.

The video version of this episode can be found at: https://youtu.be/YUWUj5HaLjs


Contact Paul:

Website and Book -https://paulglovercoaching.com/book/

Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulglovercoaching/


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