Welcome to The Today's Leader Podcast, Building Tomorrow's Best Leaders Today. It's my pleasure to showcase in today's episode Clint Davis:

Clint is an entrepreneur with a passion for storytelling and preserving the past. As the CEO and Founder of Capsll App, Clint empowers others to save their histories and pass on their legacies.

Clint’s love for the stories that make each individual unique stems from his 17-year career in radio and television broadcasting on four continents. Now, Clint is encouraging others to preserve their special memories and gather their once-scattered memories into digital time capsules that can be shared privately with full user control, or on an optional public feed to inspire others. Capsll App also provides users with coached storytelling, drawn from Clint’s broadcasting expertise. Unlike many platforms, Capsll captures no user data, has zero advertising, and allows users complete ownership of their content.


Contact Clint at:

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/capsllapp/

Website - https://www.capsll.app/

Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/clintldavis/


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