Welcome to Monday Mentoring on the Today's Leader Podcast, Building Tomorrow's Best Leaders Today. Over the last few weeks, we have been talking about goals and success.

So let's talk about how you can keep your goal real. By real, I mean how do you keep it in front of you, how do you keep it clear.

Keeping your goals in front of you can sometimes be really challenging. After all, life can be challenging, it can be tumultuous, it can be frustrating, it can have amazing peaks, and destabilising troughs... and all of these things can push our goals to be the background.


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We are driving a leadership revolution and BUILDING TOMORROW’S BEST LEADERS, TODAY!

Today’s Leader is a collective, The mindset to make a difference and the ability to create an impact. Our Emerging Leaders Masterclass can be found at https://www.tomorrowsbestleaders.com/course/emerging-leaders-roundtable-masterclass#/home

Think & Grow Business Hosts our Today’s Leader Masterminds. TAGB where we focus on personal, professional, and business growth. Book your free 30-minute discovery call at https://thinkandgrowbusiness.com.au/book-your-free-discovery-call/

You are standing Stronger, Braver, and Wiser. Don’t forget the golden rule Don t be an A-Hole

Check Out our Top 10 Leadership Podcasts: https://todaysleader.com.au/the-best-leadership-podcasts-for-2021/

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