The scorecard for the first VA site is in on the EHRM project and Senator's are "fed up"

"The strategic review illuminated a broad range of issues and affirmed many stakeholder concerns," said McDonough in written testimony submitted to the committee. The initial issues identified included:   
Patient safety.Although staff took immediate action on clear issues, McDonough said stakeholders lacked clarity on the broader definition, nature and number of patient safety issues related to the new EHR implementation. 
Productivity, with a significant decrease post-implementation compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Governance and management. McDonough during his testimony pointed to the siloed nature of the project. 
Cost, schedule and performance. Not only were cost estimates off by billions of dollars, as outlined in OIG reports, but key performance indicators for the project were not effectively created, maintained or managed. 
Patient portal experience, which McDonough described as "fragmented" for veterans.
Testing: "Clinical and interdisciplinary workflows were not tested prior to 'go-live' in a manner that effectively reflected a real-world environment," 
Data, with gaps remaining in the ability to manage data between the VA's legacy VistA EHR and Millennium, along with the Department of Defense, to ensure seamless information-sharing.
Change management and training. Employees need to both understand and have effective support in completing the key functions of their roles within the new system.  


From the cheap seats, where I'm sitting.  (Surprisingly close to the seats of many congressmen and Senators).  This is not easy to fix but there are some easy fixes.  Expectations are wrong.  Basic procedures were not done well.  But more importantly, lessons from the private sector have not been brought to bear on this project.  Perhaps I'm wrong, but that is what it looks like from my vantage point.

#healthcare #ehr #healthIT #cio #cmio #himss #chime

The scorecard for the first VA site is in on the EHRM project and Senator's are "fed up"

"The strategic review illuminated a broad range of issues and affirmed many stakeholder concerns," said McDonough in written testimony submitted to the committee. The initial issues identified included:   

Patient safety.Although staff took immediate action on clear issues, McDonough said stakeholders lacked clarity on the broader definition, nature and number of patient safety issues related to the new EHR implementation. Productivity, with a significant decrease post-implementation compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic.Governance and management. McDonough during his testimony pointed to the siloed nature of the project. Cost, schedule and performance. Not only were cost estimates off by billions of dollars, as outlined in OIG reports, but key performance indicators for the project were not effectively created, maintained or managed. Patient portal experience, which McDonough described as "fragmented" for veterans.Testing: "Clinical and interdisciplinary workflows were not tested prior to 'go-live' in a manner that effectively reflected a real-world environment," Data, with gaps remaining in the ability to manage data between the VA's legacy VistA EHR and Millennium, along with the Department of Defense, to ensure seamless information-sharing.Change management and training. Employees need to both understand and have effective support in completing the key functions of their roles within the new system.  


From the cheap seats, where I'm sitting.  (Surprisingly close to the seats of many congressmen and Senators).  This is not easy to fix but there are some easy fixes.  Expectations are wrong.  Basic procedures were not done well.  But more importantly, lessons from the private sector have not been brought to bear on this project.  Perhaps I'm wrong, but that is what it looks like from my vantage point.

#healthcare #ehr #healthIT #cio #cmio #himss #chime