Human nature is that when more money is spent expectations are higher.  Any time these survey's indicate increased spending I wonder about stakeholder expectations. 

A survey of nearly 2,000 technology execs found they expected to see a boost in funding for digital infrastructure – as well as a continuation of work-from-home policies. 

Its findings reveal four ways in which CIOs can continue to make a difference in digital business acceleration and long-term agility:   
Win differently, by helping the enterprise anticipate increasingly digital interactions customers expect
Unleash force multipliers: refocus IT leadership around digital business acceleration and remodel the enterprise's core technology
Banish drags and work to increase efficiency while giving supply chains more resilience
Redirect resources, pushing investment toward new business priorities  

With regard to this last item, survey respondents projected an average 2% IT budget increase for 2021.  

 Here are some potential expectations.  More secure and resilient health systems.  Sure we may get ransomed, but we can recover in days not months.  Analytics are nice but they don't exist in a vacuum.  I would like greater efficiency, more predictive insights, and higher performance gained through data.  Finally, my expectation on cloud is that our architecture, whatever it is, can scale up and down, it is accessible via apis and will enable us to tap into new capabilities that are emerging.  

So take the additional dollars.  You earned it, but know that investment comes with expectations.  

#healthcare #healthIT #cio #cmio #himss #chime

Human nature is that when more money is spent expectations are higher.  Any time these survey's indicate increased spending I wonder about stakeholder expectations. 

A survey of nearly 2,000 technology execs found they expected to see a boost in funding for digital infrastructure – as well as a continuation of work-from-home policies. 

Its findings reveal four ways in which CIOs can continue to make a difference in digital business acceleration and long-term agility:   

Win differently, by helping the enterprise anticipate increasingly digital interactions customers expectUnleash force multipliers: refocus IT leadership around digital business acceleration and remodel the enterprise's core technologyBanish drags and work to increase efficiency while giving supply chains more resilienceRedirect resources, pushing investment toward new business priorities  

With regard to this last item, survey respondents projected an average 2% IT budget increase for 2021.  

 Here are some potential expectations.  More secure and resilient health systems.  Sure we may get ransomed, but we can recover in days not months.  Analytics are nice but they don't exist in a vacuum.  I would like greater efficiency, more predictive insights, and higher performance gained through data.  Finally, my expectation on cloud is that our architecture, whatever it is, can scale up and down, it is accessible via apis and will enable us to tap into new capabilities that are emerging.  

So take the additional dollars.  You earned it, but know that investment comes with expectations.  

#healthcare #healthIT #cio #cmio #himss #chime