Episode 37  Scott Nunes talks with Dr. Matthew X. Joseph, Director of Curriculum and Instruction and author of Modern Mentor: Reimagining Mentorship in Education. Matthew Ketchum starts out the episode with a piece of digital wellness information about alleviating Zoom (video conferencing) fatigue and the 20-20-20 rule for preventing digital eye strain.

Matthew Joseph shares with us:

Podcast interviewing experiences and stories
Mentoring local educators and leaders
Leadership, support, authentic self
Being the navigator and not always the pilot
Remembering to check in with others and just ask them how they are doing
Recommended follows for Carl Hooker @mrhooker, Monica Burns @ClassTechTips, and www.techlearning.com
Matthew Joseph's book Modern Mentor: Reimagining Mentorship in Education

Follow Matthew X. Joseph Ed.D @MatthewXJoseph and mxjspeaker.com

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