Mr. Fernando Vasquez from the Texas A&M University College of Medicine offers excellent advice for seniors in the application process on preparing for the interviews, identifying your top schools based on how their mission aligns with your priorities, and the admissions timeline.

Here are some important links we refer to in this episode:

TMDSAS Application Timeline: "Holistic Review in the Medical Admissions Process and What It Means for You" from the 2019 APPLY Magazine by Mr. Filo Maldonado: Episode 34: Planning Your Next Steps: Preparing Your Marketing Campaign:  Episode 36: "Thinking About Re-Applying? Start Here!" with Dr. Deb Beck:  Pre-Med Years Session 335: "Rebounding from Two Low MCAT Scores to Gain an Acceptance": The TMDSAS Match video: 


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The TMDSAS Hub is open to all applicants in the EY2019/2020 cycle.  The TMDSAS Non-Traditional Applicants group is open to all applicants who identify themselves as non-traditional and would like to connect with other applicants.

If you have any questions or comments about the podcast, reach us at [email protected].

The TMDSAS Podcast is a proud affiliate of the MededMedia network.