This week's top ten of weird includes ten weird stories. Always does. This week how mushrooms will save us all and how AI might not enslave us!

If you are new to this podcast, Every Friday we do a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10 and put all the links/ videos/ photos in a show notes blog (like this New! See the Youtube channel ( ... Here's the top ten for Fri Feb 24th, 2023, Season 4 Episode 22 ...
❿Headline: I thought New York alligators were just a legend you guys... they just caught a gator at a park in Brooklyn?
❾Headline: Next Gator Story, please... ❽Headline: how long is the longest human tongue and what is he using it for? ❼Headline: Updating the narrative of how the robots are soon going to enslave us. (headline not written by AI.) ❻Headline: Whoops, there goes 40 grand... Sculpture accidentally smashed by guest... ❺Headline: Mystery Sphere washes up on Japanese Beach... ❹Headline: The future is mushrooms you guys! ❸Headline: Pizza Controversy! ❷Headline: Mistakes happen. This story will make you feel better about yours. ❶Headline: Super Pig Invasion. and it's Those lousy stinkin' Canadians!