This week's top ten of weird includes the newest streaming hit out there - Cocaine Island! Also the baffling sun tornado...
If you are new to the podcast, here's how it works... Every Friday we do a Weird-News-of-the-Week Top 10 and put all the links/ videos/ photos in a show notes blog (just like this one
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Here are the show notes for Fri Feb 17th, 2023, Season 4 Episode 21 ...

❿Headline: Very Old Motorbike breaks record... ❾Headline: if the giant wiener isn't safe, none of us are, right? ❽ Headline: Cocaine Island (new Netflix show?) ❼Headline: How old is the World's Oldest Dog? ❻Headline: Dog says "I'll just rescue myself then!" *citation needed ❺Headline: Monkeynapping followup: zero remorses given... ❹ Headline: How Long is the New Long-Kiss world record? ❸Headline: Where are we on shooting down UFOs at this point? ❷Headline: Cautionary Tale... ❶Headline: I'm gonna read this one word for word b/c Global News nails it... "Part of the Sun breaks free and forms a strange vortex, baffling scientists"