Interview with Penny Mickelbury
The Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast - Episode 37b with Heather Rose Jones

A series of interviews with authors of historically-based fiction featuring queer women.

In this episode we talk about:

The difference between writing contemporary mysteries and historic romance
Getting inside the heads of an interracial couple in the 19th century
Hints of a coming sequel
The joy of being able to write the books that thrill you
Books mentionedTwo Wings to Fly Away - a historical mystery of the 1850s with a f/f romance
Belle City - a family saga set across the 20th century with an interracial couple (m/f)
The Mimi and Gianna series (4 books) - contemporary mystery/thriller with a f/f romance
The Carole Ann Gibson series (4 books) - contemporary mystery/thriller
Gods Will and Other Lies - a story collection about women of a certain age
A transcript of this podcast is pending.

Links to the Lesbian Historic Motif Project Online


Links to Heather Online

Email: Heather Rose Jones
Twitter: @heatherosejones
Facebook: Heather Rose Jones (author page)

Links to Penny Mickelbury Online

Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @PennyMickelbury
Facebook: Penny Mickelbury

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